Okay, I know I have no business even trying to learn this stuff so early (if you can consider three years of teaching myself this stuff) on but I have a render I've done and it looks just okay but as you'll see from the notes, there's a glitch. I'm told if I do this, and I quote...
"U have got to do your texture UV, then do a snapshot of them ... Then in open it in photoshop and paint in white (or black, it depends on your soft 3D) areas where sss must be visible... Then when it is done, U can put that texture in the weight slot of the different Scatter..."
Yeah I'm still fooling around with the Maya subsurface scattering shaders (naughty Russ!) but I'm determined to figure this all out if it kills me. Can anyone guide me down the path of the straight and narrow? Do my texture UV? Huh? :ermm: What's that? Where do I find it in Maya? And once I'm in PS, how on earth do I do the painting? How do I decide what to paint white or black and how much do I need to do? With SSS, wouldn't I want there to be the effect all over the object so it's affected in light AND darkness? Ugh! I opened a smelly can of worms this time, y'all! If anyone can help me straighten out this hullabaloo, I'd really be eternally grateful.
