Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 21-10-2005 , 01:08 AM
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Thunderbird 2 Flyby clip

Finally got around to playing with this model again. This is only a test animation, which is pretty crappy if I must say so myself. It's a video of Thunderbird 2 doing a flyby.

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# 2 21-10-2005 , 03:49 PM
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at the start it looks like it stalls and then just waddles there. as it comes around to the right it moves a lot better

groovy stuff! wish I could do that user added image

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# 3 21-10-2005 , 10:27 PM
mc-fleury's Avatar
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how did you add the model in the video

# 4 22-10-2005 , 12:36 AM
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I used Adobe After Effects to composite it with the footage.

I am going to re-do the animation and try to fix contrast etc to make it look more a part of the scene.


# 5 22-10-2005 , 02:36 AM
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# 6 22-10-2005 , 07:13 AM
happymat27's Avatar
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Glad to see you are back on this one, Cheers by the way for pointing out that link to how to use maya live, lisa_gonzalez certainly knows her stuff! The clip is looking great, keep up the good stuff!

# 7 22-10-2005 , 12:30 PM
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Hey BMS, I love it!! Great stuff, this is really coming along fab!

I'd love to see some more smoke coming from the engines, I think there is some steam, but I couldn't see it very well.

You'll be putting me out of a job soon!!!

Ace user added image

When in!
# 8 22-10-2005 , 12:46 PM
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Originally posted by lisa_gonzalez
You'll be putting me out of a job soon!!!

You crack me up Lisa, you have the coolest sense of humour :lmao: If you saw me driving Maya Live you would be in stitches!!

No smoke at this stage, but I will have a go at that next . . just need to learn how user added image

BTW: we are still waiting for issue 68 here :angery:


# 9 23-10-2005 , 05:11 AM
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Hey thats looking really good. Maybe a little more control needed in the animation, as in, it tends to float a bit rather than fly. hard to explain.
I like it :-)
It certainly will look much more realistic with a bit of smoke or hot fumes comming out the back. Cant wait to see it.
Hey i live in melbourne too! go the melbournites!

There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 10 23-10-2005 , 10:26 AM
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Thanks for the feedback Nick, I plan on adding smoke and then using the smoke as displacement distortion in AE which I think should do the trick. I've smoothed out the flight path and further tweeked the solve.

The two main objectives of this learning exercise is to achieve good tracking and compositing. I think its slowly getting there.

Man I don't know of any other Maya users in Melbourne, good to see there are at least two user added image

PS: We just got back from the 4x4, Camping and Fishing show.


# 11 23-10-2005 , 11:09 AM
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ah sweet was that at the exhibition centre? Bet there was some nice boats there.
Ive only been in melbourne six months, so i dont know alot of what goes on round here.
I came over to do my degree in computer animation at SAE college.. but the collage was a total disaster. I wouldnt recommend it to anyone. There ok to go as far as deploma level though.
How long you been using maya?

There's nothing normal about normals. In FACT i think the are abnormal.
# 12 24-10-2005 , 04:36 AM
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I've had Maya 6.0 for about a year, but initially never made the time to learn it. In January this year I committed to learning 3D. Finding the time is the hard bit. So about 10 months so far.

I have no design background, but I'm learning user added image . . well trying to.


# 13 02-11-2005 , 05:57 PM
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one issue that I see off the top of my eyes is the lighting on the T-Bird....

kind of brighten it up just a little bit (just a smidge) and make it match the light/shadows of the scene.

the vehicle just seems too dark to my eyes, but it could be me....

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