Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
ok, completely finished filming, but this is a shot I'm trying to do for my shake class, the T. rex grabs this guys backpack, this is just a test, for lighting and everything, so the guy behind the rex will be removed in the final, just tell me what you think (I've been having a hard time with the lighting), to the left is a large window, with a foggy day outside, which is producing the light, but I'm not sure how to simulate that or if I did it right. thanks in advance.
also, I'll post an avi of the animation when I'm done matching the movement for critique
yep, the T. rex is small, about half the size of a full-grown rex, his head itself is about 3-3.5 feet long, he's a total length of about 26 feet, I wanted to use an impressive full-sized animal, but he just wouldn't fit in the hall like that. anyway, I did put some grain, but I'm not seeing it now either, so I'll have to work on that, and in the final I'm going to be using fields, so he'll blend in better. my only problem here is that I really like the look of the raytraced shadows, but motion blur doesn't like it, so I don't know what I'm going to do. thanks again for all of your replies
I love it! Keep up the good work... is there any chance we will be able to see the final movie??? I can't see any of your animations, all the links are broken
Aww, I caught a glimpse of the sleeping T-rex with the teddy while at a school computer and thought it was absolutely adorable. I was going to show my sister when I got home but it seems it's gone now x_x Aw well, awesome job, though!
O_O Either my screen wouldn't load the picture last time and it was there all along, or I got a second chance to see it ^_^ Yay! It's so <i>cute</i>. *_*
Last edited by Hybridrainstorm; 14-04-2004 at 12:34 AM.
thanks for all your comments! the final movie will be about 3-4 minutes long, so I'm not sure where I'd be able to put that. the links are broken because my web page was wiped, and I haven't uploaded those files yet. and the bear... well, yes, the bear... I might keep him in there as an easter egg for the sharp-eyed viewer (...if I have viewers...). I've also been working on the animation that matches him to the guy's backpack, I think I've pretty much got it down, but I'm at work right now (maya tutor at the local city college) and I don't have the footage as reference. so when I'm able I'll upload that. and I'm also busily removing that one guy in the background, it's quite difficult. anyway, thanks again
ok, here it is, the last 30 frames are so are far from finished. thanks in advance for any comments. still in the process of removing the t. rex stand-in though