Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 46 11-07-2004 , 04:00 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: minnesota, USA
Posts: 154
Thanks guys, I am glad I finially got around to finishing it.

As far as plans it is just a model for my reel now. I will be using it later on for a planed animation after I get my reel done of course. user added image

Here is a proble I am having:

I have 2 layered shaders used to texture my tank. They are all lamberts pluged into the layered shaders. The light is IBL with the RNL.hdri probe. In the IBL settings I have under visibility ; primary vis, vis in reflections, vis in refractions un checked. MR is set to the defult production settings with FG rays at 1000. I have I have attached a small quicktime file in a rar to better display my problem. Basiciall As the tank rotates the surface of my tank gets all messed up. Any help is appreciated.

save target as

Thanks for your time,

"The day you stop dreaming is the day you die"
# 47 11-07-2004 , 04:54 AM
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Besides the flickering, that looks great. I have some suggestions that will fix it...but it WILL increase render time, by a lot. With MR every scene is different. so its hard to say what it is. but these setting should fix it, although it might be a bit overkill. First of all, change your samples under the MR render globals to either 0 for min and 2 for max, or even better 1 for min and 3 for max. Also use the Mitchel filter. It creates the best image. Now... Change your FG points from 1000 to at least 2400 for a final render... I know. it will take a lot longer.. If I were working on a big project at a studio, that had a lot more frames, I would go thru and really take apart the scene/settings to optimise the render time and the quality of the image. but in this type of situation where I would just increase the settings accross the board, quick and easy, but just takes a while to render. I guess it depends on if you want to take time to work it out yourself, or just let the machine chomp away. I hope it works, if not let me know.


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# 48 12-07-2004 , 06:46 AM
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thanks brian_ellebracht: I tried your settings and I am still getting the same problem (not as pronounced). I forgot to mention that the browian and cloud textures are 3d textures. Is this the problem?

Rendering with the software render isn't a possibility since MR does such a great job and achieves the look I want. My render times jumped a bit I can get about 3 to 4 frames an hour. I am doing 150 frames and will just loop the animation, but I still need to put a wire frame in there and a smooth shaded. Any ideas on a better way to tackle this problem?
My animation for my reel will be basic lighting with the GI_Joe light script and basic flat shading so the renders will be fast and not as complex. The biggest constraint I am under is there is an Alias maya users group meeting next tuesday and I want to have my reel finished by then so I can do some networking and get some feed back, and of course possible get my foot in the door somewhere. A buddy of mine offered to export it in a fbx and biong it into max and render with vray but I would perfer to figure this out in Maya.
I will be bringing in my tank on a CDR to the meeting and asking the guy from Alias to help me optimize it and or his input on optimizeing it to keep my render times down.

I appreciate all your support and help,


"The day you stop dreaming is the day you die"
# 49 12-07-2004 , 04:07 PM
NextDesign's Avatar
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Cool. Great job mate!

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# 50 12-07-2004 , 07:01 PM
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Looks great.
A few tips:
Do the wire and smooth shaded in hardware (for example in a playblast at double res) then comp it. Also make sure the place3d nodes are parented to the object if it moves.

Björn 'santa' Fredriksson

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# 51 30-07-2004 , 01:41 PM
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Hey kassun, it was great to see you at the user group the other day. Hope you enjoyed the how.

I had a few minutes to look at your file and it seems like the 3d bump is causing the problem with the flickering. try removing it or just like fredriksson mention you have to parent the 3d bump to the tank.

# 52 30-07-2004 , 08:47 PM
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I had a great time. Wish I would have won that rendering book instead of the Maya Unlimited book user added image I just got a tooth pulled so I have some extra time on my hands user added image . I'll try your suggestions and post what the results were. Once again thanks for your help, I'll see you at Siggraph in a week, I'll be volunteering at balistic/******/cgtalks booth on the morning of the 10th and 12th stop by and say hi if u get the chance otherwise I am sure i'll see you around.


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# 53 30-07-2004 , 09:49 PM
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cool. I will look further into your file this weekend. That was just a quick sugestion after taking aquick look at the files.

I should be hanging around the Alias both most of the time. I have not received a schedule yet but will definetly pop by the Ballistic both.

Is anyone else in the simplymaya world going?

# 54 30-07-2004 , 10:30 PM
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roach105: one quick question for ya. During the meeting you showed a curve that would work like a worm or an octopus swimming around as u moved the curve around in the viewport. How was that done again?


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# 55 31-07-2004 , 03:13 AM
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that was using the new modify curve function. Its under the edit curves menu.

simply select curve apply a lock length and then select the first cv of curve and move it around.

# 56 31-07-2004 , 06:59 AM
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Great job on the model!

This is very timely. I just watched Pentagon Wars with Kelsy Grahmer (SP) and it was about the making of the Bradley. It has to be the funiest movie I have seen about government waste and self interest. It should be required viewing by all U.S. bureacrats and government officials. I highly recommend renting and watching the movie. I promise you'll laugh your buttocks off.

Paraphrasing from the movie when the colonel responsible for live fire testing hears the news that the program was approved...

....(as he looks in disbelief at the blueprint hanging on the wall) They're going to build this? This? The scout vehicle that is too conspicuous to scout, looks like a tank, and carries twice as much explosive ammunition but has aluminum armour that catches on fire and emits toxic gas, is amphibious, but sinks, was designed to carry 11 men, but can only hold 5....

For those that did not know the Bradley was designed as a joint military project. It took 17 years and cost 15 Billion (that's with a "B") to produce. It is living proof that if a mouse was designed by a government commitee it would look something like an elephant (only bigger and less efficient!).

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675

Last edited by ctbram; 31-07-2004 at 10:05 AM.
# 57 31-07-2004 , 06:37 PM
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Posts: 5
Looks real nice, any chance you can reveal your rendering setup, i love that look.
Nice job.


# 58 31-07-2004 , 07:21 PM
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Posts: 154
i'll post the setup tomorrow, because i am off to work. Basicially it's just lighted using the image based lighting in Maya 6 with the hdri images color turned down to a medium grey. I'll post more info tomorrow user added image


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