Originally posted by Mantat
As a matter of fact, I challenge you to find a movie with a better use of music & sound effects.
The list would be way too long to post here. Besides, a movie that depends on its music and sound effects alone isn't a very good movie and would only benefit the blind. Gotta have story. As George Lucas once said, "A story with special effects is interesting, but a special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing."

IMHO, I agree with Kev on Resident Evil. IT SUCKED! Seems the 'game movies' just aren't cut out to be what they should be. Hell, look at Final Fantasy. What the hell did that movie have to do with the game? huh? HUH?!
Kev... I don't think DOOM falls into the movies catagorie.

But I still disagree about the game though. I've been playing it again on Nightmare and it's even more of a challenge than on Veteran. When those damn ticks and those baby things come out but I don't see them, my skin crawls.