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# 1 24-10-2005 , 11:12 AM
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crash course at the human head


Greetings every one!!!

Just another project here, I thought I would try and model the human head, maybe some day it will have a body to go with it, but for now here is my start. I am doing this completely free hand so I need lots of help. please C&C my work.

Thanks for every thing!!!

Leland Webb
Webb Creative Arts

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# 2 24-10-2005 , 11:17 AM
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couple more pics for you!!

# 3 24-10-2005 , 11:19 AM
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gee helps if I post the pic huh LOL

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# 4 24-10-2005 , 11:23 AM
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one more after this

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# 5 24-10-2005 , 11:32 AM
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last one for tonight
please dont forget to C&C my work!!!!

Thanks again

Leland Webb
Webb Creative Arts

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# 6 24-10-2005 , 02:03 PM
NextDesign's Avatar
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Hey, make sure your edge loops follow muscles in the face. Heres a pic to help you:

Note: There is a loop from where the nose turns to cartilage and to the side of the mouth.

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Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Last edited by NextDesign; 24-10-2005 at 02:13 PM.
# 7 24-10-2005 , 06:29 PM
utpal's Avatar
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hey man, the shape of your face seems quite nice. but, your loops are a bit off. you had better clean them up.
you ought to refer to steven stahlberg's image explaining edgeloops. do you have that? its the most accurate and informative image i have seen so far.

# 8 25-10-2005 , 11:46 AM
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Thanks for the replies to the post, I apriciate all of your comments. utpal, I dont have any references for this project at all, I did not know which would be the best way to go about doing it. all I know is that I amextruding edges and snapping them together to form the basic shape of the head. From there it is all a mystery to me. I had no idea that there were a speacial way that I should setup the loops If you would know where I could get this image you are talking about I would gladly study it, and fix my face. Next Design, Thanks for the reply. I have examined your pic that you sent to me and am un sure of how to fix the loops from this stage. I would almost hate to start over LOL. any ways thanks for al the help and I could still use as many C&C as possible\


Leland Webb

Webb Creative Arts

# 9 25-10-2005 , 01:05 PM
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yep, just looks like the edgeloops need work as the general head shape is ok.
Save a copy of the head and just be ruthless, get the split poly tool and go to town playing with the lines as shown on the image NextDesign posted. You'll probably find that many of them will line up with what is aready good and there will only be a few areas where you need to rework other lines. I'd probably knock out some of the dense vertical lines in the forehead just now so you dont end up having to move too many vertices around later.

good stuff user added image

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# 10 25-10-2005 , 02:52 PM
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hello webcreativearts. Nice model, It's really coming along. You really crank them out don't you? LOL. Anyway, looks like you already have a good start with the edgeloops, just need some refining. Attached is a pic of my first head. It is far from perfect but it should give you an idea of where to start with the loops. When creating this head I got in front of the mirror and made faces at myself. Noting where the face wrinkles, deforms, etc. Then I set up my edgeloogs to allow for those natural deformations. Like I said, this isn't perfect but I hope it can help.
If I may add one more small thing. The proportions are just a tad off. The head looks a little to "cone-ish" and the cheekbones seem to puff out a bit. Is looking great as a whole though. Keep up the good work

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# 11 26-10-2005 , 05:39 AM
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Hello once again every one, I am going to work with those loops and hope to get excellent progress from this. Penguin, I get alot of projects done out here because there is not much else to do while I am out here in Iraq, so instead of playing games and stuff like the other soldiers do, I choose to work in maya. I also just like to keep the good people of SM up to date with the current projects. I have learned alot more from this website than I could ever learn from any books. Thanks for the pics of the loops, and I will be sure to work on that cheek area!

Thanks for all the C&C

Leland Webb

# 12 12-11-2005 , 06:08 PM
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Hello every one,

Just thought I would say hello let every one know that I am still alive, I have been busy trying to get home the past month or so, and I might actually make it out of this country in a couple months. I have been working on my head, and do not know how to stitch things together so that when I go to do a polygons to subdivisions thing, it does not come apart on me. any help here would be apriciated. I will post some pics on here just as soon as I can. lots of great work going on in this place, I am in hopes of having more time to work on my projects once I get back to the states.

until next time my good friends!!

Leland Webb

Webb Creative Arts

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