This is a picture of my new custom made radio controlled car. Actually its 2.1 cars built together. It consist of 2 x LEGO DirtCrusher RC + a few more blocks.
The thing is, that this is the WORLDS BEST radio controlled car, just won several prizes and stuff. And you guys know the LEGO building blocks and how they are in a system, so you have endless possibilities with them - its the same with this car - you can build your own models, over and over again.
And its so robust that I have been driving it in the snow, water, mud, dirt etc. I also crashed it from 2 meters high straing down some stairs and its still running, not a single thing is broken on it

I bought my first one before I started full time at LEGO, but today I bought my second one. And this is the result of my dual model.
- I am sorry if this message sounds like a commercial, this is not my intention, but I am having so much fun with this baby that I wanted to share it with you all. so if you ever want to buy a radio controlled car, buy this LEGO baby DirtCrusher RC - you wont regret that one !!
Cya around.
oh .. I will post some more images here when I build new versions - building is almost the most fun part of it