Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 24-06-2006 , 02:38 AM
GhosTz's Avatar
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How do I create this?

I'm trying to make a logo, but I'm having problems.

I got the CV curves down, but it won't let me bevel them, and when it does, it does it in the wrong place.

Lofting and surfacing almost works, but it won't let me connect the surfaces.

Here's a screenshot of my bevel gone wrong:
user added image

There's supposed to be empty space where the bevel is.

Anyone know how to make the logo out of the curves?

# 2 26-06-2006 , 02:43 PM
Falott's Avatar
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everything starts and ends in the right place at the right time.
# 3 26-06-2006 , 03:22 PM
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Thanks alot.

I'll try those out.

# 4 27-06-2006 , 12:03 AM
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Well I managed to get the basic logo, but how do I attach each surface?

I tried the "Attach surface" or what ever it's called, but it won't attach them.

# 5 28-06-2006 , 06:52 PM
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OMG, don't use Nurbs!!!!

Use bevel plus. You may have to go an move some vertices around if they bevel weird, but soooooo much better than that tutorial. I despise Nurbs user added image

If it bevels in the wrong place you may have to do each seperate curve by it self. I would just drag click over the whole set of curves making sure to select the outside ones first. If it bevels funny then undo then look at the cv on the cuves where the weird bevel took place click on the vertices one by on in the problem area and youll see thatone or two are out of place. just move it back into it's proper place on the z or x plane. dont move it y. Some times when you mak a curve the cv's jump out of order where it should be 1,2,3,4,5.... it will actually be 1,2,4,3,6,5 just move them back in order. You can tell where it should be by the part of the curve that highlights when you select the cv.

I always choose by poly count around 1000 should work fine.

You can have nurb outputs or poly's. If you use polys then just hit combine and poof it's all one.

# 6 28-06-2006 , 08:17 PM
pbman's Avatar
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nurbs over ploys is just preference

if u use polys ul have a face on top/bottom with too many side an my effect render

if u use nurbs u dont need to attahc the suraces
if u need a roun edge use the round edge tool
just group the sufaces an animate
in attribrute editor for each surface tutn tessilation of U AND V up to highest quality and a value of 5-10 an they will render fine

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 7 29-06-2006 , 05:31 PM
Lt Jim's Avatar
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The quickest way to get the general shape would be with the "Create Polygon" tool. You can then use the "split polygon" tool to "connect the dots". You can then simply extrude it to desired thickness and convert to a sub-d or otherwise leave it as is. You'd probably have to make it a "high-poly" object if you left it as a polygon, but in the end it all depends on the needs of the production.

Just another suggestion to add to the list already given! :-)

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