No probs, and no, you're not bothering me. I'm actually learning a lot from helping you here. I'm also working on my first plane model. If you go into the WIP forum, and look for the thread titled WIPL Boulton-Paul Defiant, you can see how I'm getting on.
I actually prefer another program for modelling, so I am actually learning all of this as I go along. I personally think it helps me learn better if I am helping somebody else (you can tell this from the fact that I'm a Software Engineering student, currently on a Year in Industry work placement, based in a Finance department, and whats more, I'm training new starters who happen to be accountants!) No better way to learn than teach, i reckon.
'England Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty' - Vice-Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson - Battle of Trafalgar - 21st October 1805