That's easy. It's your near clipping plane.
Go to view, camera attributes and look at you near and far clipping plane settings. They kind of work together. You cannot have one humongously large and the other set too small. Just to test things set the far to 10000, and the near to .1 and see if that clears it up. It also depends on your scene units as 10000cm and .1cm is quite different then 10000m and .1m
I first encountered this a long time ago when I was trying to zoom in on a vertex and it kept clipping so I went and changed my near clipping plane to .0001 and as soon as I zoomed an inch away from my model I started getting those artifacts. But I could zoom in really close to verts lol
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
Last edited by ctbram; 24-04-2012 at 01:54 PM.