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# 1 06-05-2014 , 06:25 AM
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Zbrush Practice

Hello!! I have being Playing with Z brush lately and I have to tell you this program is ridiculously good Wow!!! can believe I use to hate it. So this is one of the characters I have so far took me like 8 Hours I started from a Dynamesh, then Retop using Z spheres Painted added hair and this is what I have so far.
The character is completely made from scratch that's why I took me a lot of time I guess and its far from finish. I will probably get it in to Maya for Rendering so wish me luck user added image Reviews are more that welcome, Thanks.

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# 2 06-05-2014 , 06:36 AM
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Im glad you like it...people are scared of the interface too much...but really its so easy

good job!!


# 3 06-05-2014 , 08:43 AM
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That looks really cool, he has personality coming through. I tried Zbrush some time back and it annoyed me to no end, I kept having a cool sculpt get flattened into the background accidentally or something going horribly wrong and I felt like a clumsy oaf trying to use it lol.

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# 4 06-05-2014 , 09:02 AM
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get back to iot young lady..its easy.

This is a very refreshing piece of work to see here if I were honest...


# 5 06-05-2014 , 10:46 AM
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Nice juanpax.....looking solid!

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# 6 06-05-2014 , 02:36 PM
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Thanks!! Glad you like it.
Jay: the Interface is strange cause at first you hate it and then you love it. The enable customizaton makes it even better to work with.
Gen: Give it a try!!! it took me some time to get use to it but the results are Priceless and with the knowlege you have in maya once you start going back and forth Im sure you will get good at it in no time. All you need is a tablet and refence images thats it. It is a lot of fun really, go for it.
Ben hobden: Thanks for the motivation!!!!

# 7 09-05-2014 , 01:15 AM
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How long did it take you to retopo using zspheres? Do you find it easier to do it this way? Where did you learn this technique? Sorry for all the questions but its kind of where i got stuck in zbrush and i'd like to move forward. Great job btw...

# 8 09-05-2014 , 03:36 AM
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Took me like 45 Minutes maybe less but this is only a bust. I learn this from several videos on the web there are good videos in youtube that show the complete proccess. You can also use ZRemesher but it doesn't give you the control over topology like Zspheres, It is a good way to get Topo fast and continue sculpting since it gives you good result in no time. But again if you want more control on were to place your vertices use zspheres. All you need is patience user added image, also there is topogon if you dont want to use zbrush for topology and it is waaaayy simpler to do it in there.

So look for Zremesher, Zsphere Retopology, Topogun and if you want to do it in Maya you can import a decimated version of your ZB Model, Make it Live then use the append to polygon tool or the new tool kit.

Anyways Hope this helps.Take care.user added image

Last edited by Juanpax; 09-05-2014 at 01:29 PM.
# 9 09-05-2014 , 03:58 AM
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Here is the Topology!! Don't know why i put a black text on a dark gray backgroud sorryuser added image

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Last edited by Juanpax; 09-05-2014 at 03:05 PM.
# 10 09-05-2014 , 03:56 PM
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# 11 12-05-2014 , 02:30 AM
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@CollinBishop Nice Tut!!! What Programs do you guys use to record your screen?? Quicktime or another Video Player??

Last edited by Juanpax; 12-05-2014 at 02:32 AM.
# 12 12-05-2014 , 01:17 PM
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Camtasia. It only lags when I enter Cryengine. All other programs it records fine.

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