Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 16 22-05-2003 , 07:51 PM
Emo's Avatar
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while we are on the Screen Saver are the 2 MOST realistic Screen savers (well one of them) that I know of...

The exe is a installation of a really cool one... (a 3D version of the code)

the second, just extract in your Windows dir...


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# 17 22-05-2003 , 08:02 PM
Saiyan's Avatar
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RedHat 8.0 comes with a full featured screensaver called's definitely worth the look see.

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# 18 23-05-2003 , 10:36 PM
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May I ask a question,

Im looking at the tutorial now and im finding it a little strange to follow.

Select the plane and add a particle emitter to it.The emitter type is set to surface.

Im using Maya 5 so I presume they mean Emit from object as that lets you select surface emit? or not perhaps?

Now you will see all the particles in the scene turned int letter "a".

I dont see anything because it told me to hide the text did it not?

Select particleshape1 and open the expression editor.Add the runtime expression


What am I adding the expression to? What attribute? I think im lost here..

How can I get to the particleshape1 short of getting to it from the hypergraph?

Thanks very much for your help, I clearly need more homework when it comes to Dynamics user added image

# 19 24-05-2003 , 02:58 PM
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I tried the tutorial as well.....and got as far as that.....I found it to be a little vague....maybe one of our fearless Maya animators will do a tutorial if we ask them nice user added image

IMHO I think that the tutorials done from the SimplyMaya crew are very well presented and explained......I have done a couple and no problems so far user added image user added image

# 20 24-05-2003 , 03:13 PM
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Good to know im not the only one,

Also I hope it didnt seem like i was demanding a bit much.

Cheers all

# 21 24-05-2003 , 05:40 PM
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Ragzman, don't worry m8!

You are not asking too much at alluser added image

Keep in mind that that tutorial was written with a specific version of Maya in mind, as well as by someone who may know what they are doing, but cannot write english very well, so that presents a major problem with the continuity of the tut.

I tried it, and it took me 3 trys to get it remotely close to what he was talking about.

You would be better off doing it in 2D, OR something like this:

1. Create a nurbs curve, and rebuild it so it has LOTS of cv's.
2. Make a surface emitter that emits particles from the CV's of the curve.
3. Place the curve above the top of one of your cameras' viewports, so that when you:
4. Attach a gravity fielad to the particles: they will FALL down in front of your camerauser added image
5. Then, make the particles SPRITES.
6. Using the batch capabilities of your favorite 2D app, (like Photoshop actions), make a library of green (g=255) characters. (make them 256x256 OR 512x512 depending on your needs.)
7. Map those onto your sprites so that when a sprite is born, it gets one letter for the whole lifespan of that sprite.
(there is a melscript for this in your GIFTS folder in your AW program directory)
8. Create an opacityPP attribute to your sprites so that they will "fade" using a ramp to have the ability to make the sprites fade slow or fastuser added image

9. Add a shder to the particle object with the glow set to white (rgb=255), and add some sort of expression so that as the sprite nears the end of its' lifespan, it glows brighter.

10 OPTIONAL: Then you could also duplicate the particle object so you have another stream of falling code WITHOUT the opacityPP attribute, but this time, add a (rand) expression to the glow intensity in the runtime part so that they will randomly glow brighter, and not so bright.

That's the quick and dirty wayuser added image

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 22 25-05-2003 , 08:23 PM
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So how is everything going with the code, has anyone got close to a realistic looking one yet. I am in the process of modeling the twins right now. I will post soon.

# 23 26-05-2003 , 12:47 AM
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Enter the Matrix

Lemon, I'm not too sure but I think you might be able to find a model or something to the twins in the game Enter the Matrix. Not to sure if they are in the game. All I know is it is set during Reloaded. Maybe mess around with that and that will help with your project.

# 24 30-05-2003 , 05:55 AM
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If he did that what would be the point of knowing Maya... Where is the challenge in copying someones elses model?


# 25 30-05-2003 , 12:13 PM
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Re: ???

If he did that what would be the point of knowing Maya... Where is the challenge in copying someones elses model?

Not that it applies very much with the original poster but not everyone is into modeling. There are lots of folks that will use others' models to develop animation skills, effects, etc. It all depends where your interests lie.

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# 26 02-06-2003 , 05:15 PM
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Animal Logic
yo guys hit that link it will take u to the webpage of the people who made the cg for the matrix um the link will take u to the page where they give a very brief explanation of the code hope it helps!cheers!user added image

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# 27 02-06-2003 , 11:59 PM
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to be honest, guys, i don't think that effect was made in maya, but in a 2d motion graphics system like inferno or the like. it would be so much more simple to do in a system like that, than to bend maya to do it. besides, i bet the rendering times would be fractions of what maya would require.

# 28 04-06-2003 , 08:57 PM
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i hear that...

# 29 06-06-2003 , 12:46 AM
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Well I was playing around and figured a way in Maya to create the logo.

First, I made an animation in a program like Flash. I exported that to a movie or image sequence.

Next, in Maya I created long, flat, thin poly cubes and mapped the movie to it. I set the keys for the images. I used a lambert shader with the movie as color, luminous, and transparency.

Then, I duplicated the strand many times at different levels. Then pressed play and watched it go!

If you used a movie (avi) as a texture, then you will have to use hardware renderer with transparency.

Here's a sample.

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# 30 06-06-2003 , 01:44 AM
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That looks awsome dude. Looks just like the matrix code but still has a flare of originality

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