Digital humans the art of the digital double
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# 61 07-07-2003 , 02:24 AM
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traveler, whats weird can you elaborate mate....... I'm still not sure I like the feet yet... might try and give them more of a eagle tallon look, but i'll deal with that later...



1) Started off with nurbs like normal

2) Arms are modeled sepearately but in postion

3) Yes same as normal.... use polys for adding edges... sub-ds for pulling and pushing

4) arm took about 2 in a half hours

M when the Cd tut comes out it goes through every thing i do when I model nurbs- polys-Sub-ds.

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Kurt; 07-07-2003 at 02:26 AM.
# 62 07-07-2003 , 04:22 AM
mumbojumbo_13's Avatar
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man what feet user added image
killer work man

Thanks for wasting your time reading this line.
# 63 07-07-2003 , 06:23 AM
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Thanks a lot kurt for explaining that! IF the arm took you 2 and a half hours it must of taken you a long time to model the rest! Its nice to know the times (IMO) just because I can respect the ammount of time put into it.. and things like that. I will definately be buying your CD tutorial as soon as it comes out.. I MUST watch that.. as I feel after i watch it a few times I will have a lot better grasp on modelling.. along with knowing new technqiues. Then its just practice practice practice! Anyways thanks for answering my Q's.. ttyl.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 64 07-07-2003 , 11:25 AM
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alternate way of driveing a highrez mesh with i lowres one is to duplicate the lv0 of the subD version and use it as a wrap deformer on the highrez one..
then you can hide the sudD and just animate the low poly verson..
makes animation lots faster user added image

also this alows you to split your highrez model into smaller peices and asign them as wrap deformers individually.
this can save alot of memory if youre makeing morph targets for example.. (then you whould do them on the head only and not the whole body)

this can be done with the whole body too
this can also be done with a nurbs highrez but it takes a bit more work doing the lowrez poly version..

hm.. i explain like sh*t user added image hope you get it.. if not, feel free to tell me and i'll explain it better

sleep is for lam3rs

Last edited by aL_3891; 07-07-2003 at 01:49 PM.
# 65 07-07-2003 , 12:09 PM
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Originally posted by Kurt
more of a eagle tallon look

yeah eagle look= cool user added image

# 66 07-07-2003 , 03:30 PM
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Kurt i like the way you model, man you got mad skills dude. I'm working on my first model and looking at all of the modeling motivates me.

# 67 07-07-2003 , 03:44 PM
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great imagination kurt! super job dude!

# 68 08-07-2003 , 01:16 AM
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justin thanks dude.... just keep practising you will get better and better..

Kev, you rock buddy=)

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 69 08-07-2003 , 01:22 AM
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While i'm not so crazy about the proportions on this model, no one can doubt that you have some serious skillz... keep it up man, can't wait to see this when its complete.

# 70 08-07-2003 , 01:51 AM
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Traiven3d, can you tell me what bugs you about his proportions?

I played with the shape a bit more.... made him lankier.. the wings should add a lot...

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I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 71 08-07-2003 , 02:11 AM
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Sure, but understand that i'm not implying its wrong or looks bad, its just not my cup of tea is all. Things like the thickness of the neck, length of the legs, and width of the waist aren't "realistic" (based on human proportions) but I know you probably weren't going for realistic. Never-the-less, Very cool.

# 72 08-07-2003 , 02:18 AM
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Thanks dude.. yeah hes a creature so i have a bit of leaway...

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 73 08-07-2003 , 03:14 AM
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Hey you cant diss the waist.. look in the guiness book of world records.. theres some people out there with stomaches that small user added image.. heheh. I really like the whole upper body on this model.. along with the feet user added image.

"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha

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# 74 09-07-2003 , 02:01 AM
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Have wings.. still needs a lot of work and detailing.... but i'm toying with the idea to having a lot of spikes comming off his back instead... Like a porcupine

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I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 75 09-07-2003 , 02:03 AM
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I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
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