yesterday i saw on the tv news skimos are treathening to put an international lawsuit on the UN against USA and other countrys for destroying their ice and thus their way of living... right now, as in the moment i saw it, im still trying to decide if that was funny or sad... (because cmon, skimos... a lawsuit... on UN... against china and USA... because they didnt signed kyoto... that is funny indeed)
And we yesterday december 9 were having 24ยบ at the sun in madrid and people on the coast going to the beach to bath and sunbath in one of the hottest winters that can be remembered, oh and all the while going a 10% above the kyoto protocol... (well pay the fines, but cmon on 1990 we were just picking speed on petrol consumprion and we still havent topped, as other countrys did... no matter that were leaders on renewable energy, theres no foreseeable way to drop it to the levels of kyoto, much less to 60% current right now)
The gulfstream... cross your fingers or if youre religious pray what you know that theyre wrong or its alrready lost...the world will burn all the petrol (and hopely the gulfstream will still tolerate it) , its just a matter of: "will we burn all the coal after petrol is gone or will we use other cleaner alternatives after oil?" (and in my oppininon thats what sould be lobbyed for...)
A pair of years ago i had to enterview some greenpeace local leaders... ill only say that they werent much about sustainable development, and had "interesting" theorys about that kind of vegetarianism that doesnt even permits you to drink milk because it comes from an animal as the only right option, and returning to live in the trees and stuff... all the while using a xerox and glossy paper by tons to spread the more reasonable official greenpeace views...ill just tell you that they were so much cracy in fact that i was tempted to file it under "sects"
Last edited by dragonfx; 10-12-2005 at 10:24 AM.