can't thank you enough, thanks..? sometimes there's no other word, be that as it may...
that explains a lot. I had a gut feeling the cube thinks it's a cube. if you can explain booleans to me and if there is an easy mini tut you can give me would be great but I don't want to push the friendship and can serach through my books and mags, I imagine it would be select all the objects wanted for a single object and click 'boolean'..?
what do you mean ' (you really only need scale selected)' .., of course I understand scale, selected and freeze transformations but do you mean, freeze transfromations on the 'scale' attributes or on the selected objects. The confusion lies in that I can't understnd any differance between 'freeze transformations' and 'freeze, scale on selected. unless you mean to high light the scale attributes in the channel box and then (maybe a right click to 'freeze selected..??') or there may be 'freeze seleted' in the main menu.
I'll run through it soon. I just installed Mike's (I think it's his) skinshader from the uploads and it is fantastic. I reckon it could be used for toon shading, it has some great presets, I only have Maya 6.5 unlimited..., V.7 sounds great but..?? someday. Maybe after the auto-desk/maya thing gets sorted. I have max V3 here maybe I should have put more time into that also??
thanks again
take it easy and life will be easy