Digital humans the art of the digital double
Ever wanted to know how digital doubles are created in the movie industry? This course will give you an insight into how it's done.
# 16 11-03-2006 , 07:59 AM
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can't thank you enough, thanks..? sometimes there's no other word, be that as it may...

that explains a lot. I had a gut feeling the cube thinks it's a cube. if you can explain booleans to me and if there is an easy mini tut you can give me would be great but I don't want to push the friendship and can serach through my books and mags, I imagine it would be select all the objects wanted for a single object and click 'boolean'..?
what do you mean ' (you really only need scale selected)' .., of course I understand scale, selected and freeze transformations but do you mean, freeze transfromations on the 'scale' attributes or on the selected objects. The confusion lies in that I can't understnd any differance between 'freeze transformations' and 'freeze, scale on selected. unless you mean to high light the scale attributes in the channel box and then (maybe a right click to 'freeze selected..??') or there may be 'freeze seleted' in the main menu.

I'll run through it soon. I just installed Mike's (I think it's his) skinshader from the uploads and it is fantastic. I reckon it could be used for toon shading, it has some great presets, I only have Maya 6.5 unlimited..., V.7 sounds great but..?? someday. Maybe after the auto-desk/maya thing gets sorted. I have max V3 here maybe I should have put more time into that also??

thanks again

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# 17 11-03-2006 , 08:58 AM
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heh. no problem...

the "only need to scale" bit was actually referring to which attributes needed to be frozen. although, f you haven't messed with the tool before, the default will be what you need.

As for booleans, I meant unioning them together. This is different from simply combining the shape (one key difference is, as of maya 6.5, booleaning shapes will make the resualtant share a single texture map, while combining a shape will make each original part of the object reatin its old map, and not share a new one. For poly booleans, go, "Polygons>boolean", and the one you're looking for is "union". you can only do 2 objects at a time, but that's not too bad. Careful, as they can sometimes be a little finicky (for me, mostly around cylinders and spheres, some high poly-count operations, and occasionally around possible lamina faces areas). Just make sure you cubes intersect a little, though, and you should be fine. One last thing about booleans, though - they reset the object pivot point to the origin. You'll need to move it afterward.

anything else that you think I might know?

# 18 11-03-2006 , 09:14 AM
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umm well my friend, what's 'lamina faces;. Man I could keep doing this to you for months.

I'll get on to the door and the booleans today or tonoght or tomorrow. I'm supposed to film some band tonight.., but i'd rather stay here and mess with the door and the booleans. There's others who can piont a camera. i think they can do without me for a night.

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# 19 11-03-2006 , 10:30 AM
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what lamina faces refer to is when two faces occupy the asme physical space (or very nearly). This can cause various render problems, although the most obvious effect will show up as causing problems during modeling. It will cause problems with booleans, if you try to do an action over them. probably the easiest way to get lamina faces is to extrude a face, but don't change any of its attributes after you start the extrude. It is possible to get them while using some of the booleans, but that will vary (mostly, this will occur if you try and mate two things together precisely - such as mating two cubes together with exactly 0 distance between them, or a cube and a cylinder that make perfect matches. it won't always happen, it just sometimes will).

its 2:30 in the morning... I'm going to bed.

# 20 11-03-2006 , 11:13 AM
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important stuff, without doubt. Glad I asked. Thanks again.

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