Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 16 03-12-2006 , 02:07 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 59
Happy to help. I'm sure the results will be good. Think you could help me with a problem of my own? Its pretty simple or atleast it should be
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# 17 03-12-2006 , 10:20 AM
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yeah of course wots up? i'll try my best

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# 18 03-12-2006 , 01:28 PM
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Thanks so much hopefully you can help me with this it should be fairly simple every now and then when I am working with my image planes the texture applied to it goes a whitesh color when I hit six. Five still makes and go shaded and four wireframe. I'm working on maya 7. Is this just a glitch or am I doing something wrong? This has drove me nuts for the past week. Thanks for the help.

# 19 03-12-2006 , 04:42 PM
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ok i know this may sound silly but is it for modelling or used in a scene? Make sure you have no lights near it.

I did this before. I was creating a nice sunset ocean scene, and my point lights etc. was effecting my plane. Be sure its on default lighting.

Secondly, assign a material to it, pref a lambert. You might be trying to add an image plane, without assigning a specific material to it and it could be effecting your scene.

3rdly, (again, i know this is a silly question), but have you tried turning the image plane around in case its on the other side. lol never know.

Failing that its either a gliche or something out of my hands.

good luck

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# 20 03-12-2006 , 09:09 PM
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As Mr.pix said, I think you have a light to close to the object, decrease the streangth of the light or take it further away.

And regarding wheter it is upside down or not, does that matter in Maya? The faces can be seen from both ways, right?

PS. I want to see the monkey! >: )

Last edited by Weyu; 03-12-2006 at 09:19 PM.
# 21 04-12-2006 , 05:00 AM
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Here is my first test render without ground and trees.

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# 22 05-12-2006 , 12:19 AM
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here is another with some grass. Best im gonna get im afraid due to render times.

Now on for the tree detailing

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# 23 05-12-2006 , 01:29 AM
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Pretty nice, but you should consider removing that beard. user added image

# 24 05-12-2006 , 01:56 AM
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yeah, good point. Im gonna give him a shave!

il post updates

Thanx. Any more advice would be appreciated as i go.

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# 25 05-12-2006 , 02:06 AM
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how bout this? Better now he's beardless? lol

Now on for the trees. I think they are due my care and attention, then its off for a few render tests before my final batch render.

I'll keep you posted with updates, before i show my final animation.

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# 26 05-12-2006 , 02:12 AM
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actually i thought the stubble woulda worked, only with thinner cylinders... removing them makes for a really big bare spot, and since he's got a pretty big chin it seems a little distracting.

also, what are your render times (since you mentioned being worried about them)?

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# 27 05-12-2006 , 02:34 AM
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bearing in mind the trees arent done, render times are already about 48 seconds per frame.

Do you think he should have that beard but thinner?

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# 28 05-12-2006 , 02:35 AM
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its because of the grass. Without the grass its about 20 seconds per frame.

Detailing the trees is gonna bump it up.

Ive got to batch render yet! gonna take me a long time! lol

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# 29 05-12-2006 , 02:37 AM
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you're worried about a pre-frame render time of ALMOST ONE MINUTE?!?!

how many frames is your animation, and when is this due (or is it even an assignment)?

i've rendered out 10 minute animations where a frame took over 30 minutes per frame to render...

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# 30 05-12-2006 , 02:43 AM
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One min a frame is nothing, gollum took 8 mins per frame and the ents took 48hrs per frame according to the special features on LOTR and that was with a massive render farm.

Ive had animations that took 60 mins per frame that were for a project, so one min isnt much time at all.

Depending on the legnth of the animation you could jsut leave it overnight, depending on how long you sleep for thats quite a few frames.

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