Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 16 20-01-2004 , 11:54 PM
Elemenopee's Avatar
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but with a low tesslation on some of the nurbs actually would probably be faster than polies

The only constant is change...
# 17 21-01-2004 , 12:05 AM
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thanks Pony

The amount of walls is not so much to turn them into polys - unless I'd have to use a non homogeneous texture. FG settings are not too high - I already have Maya closed so I do not know exactly what they are.

No , dirty maps here - I think they would make the interior look old and in this case I am not sure it would make the client too happy.


In the low res image the shadow look softer.

Nir Sullam
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# 18 21-01-2004 , 12:20 AM
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It looks a lot better. I have a few sudjestions. One is that it still seems saturated. Are the rails suposed to be wood or an orange material? I am not sure what budget you are working with but having chamfers on all the corners would help a lot. I am sure the render times are like they are because of all the lights and pphoton mapping. You should be able to drop the numbers a bit and still keap a good quality. Did you use a bollean on the circular hole on the roof? Looks like ther is some artifacts there

# 19 21-01-2004 , 02:26 AM
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Nirsul, Nods on the nurbs. It probably wouldn't be worth it at this point to go to polys for a bit of lower count.

I'll get it figured out about the tweaks for lowering the time, so I can make a more informed post. (slumping off to the dungeon to twiddle and figure things out.)

# 20 21-01-2004 , 08:56 AM
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Originally posted by RickStefani
One is that it still seems saturated. Are the rails suposed to be wood or an orange material? I am not sure what budget you are working with but having chamfers on all the corners would help a lot. I am sure the render times are like they are because of all the lights and pphoton mapping. You should be able to drop the numbers a bit and still keap a good quality. Did you use a bollean on the circular hole on the roof? Looks like ther is some artifacts there


The rails are wood - but on my PC they do look like wood.

Witrh budget - do you mean "should I bother improving" the answer I do it for free, Actually - it is a job but the person who I work for as freelance - hasn't paid me for 3 motnhs , so it is free :_(

no boolenas only trims and I should make it smoother or clone it in PShop.


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# 21 21-01-2004 , 08:57 AM
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Originally posted by Elemenopee
but with a low tesslation on some of the nurbs actually would probably be faster than polies

no tesselation was used on this one - it just has lots of nurbs.


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# 22 21-01-2004 , 05:18 PM
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Man, this looks great - such good textures. The railing gives it a cool nautical feel. The only thing that throws off the proportion to me is the center circular rug. The far side just does not seem to be planted on the ground. I think becuase the 2 pottery pieces are on the edge of it, next to the curving wall, the rug loses visual weight.
I am a noob, so no big deal user added image

Lungs not guns....
# 23 22-01-2004 , 08:17 PM
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probably last render, this time rendered in Maya Renderer not MR.

Attached Thumbnails

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# 24 22-01-2004 , 08:29 PM
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This definitely looks better! The blue urn-shaped vase still looks strange, and probably not really needed, but man, this looks awesome! I really like the built-in shelves, and how they pass through into the other room, cool design.

Lungs not guns....
# 25 22-01-2004 , 11:01 PM
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The reason I put 3 christian items in the image is because the client is quite religious and we wanted to give the real ambient.

I did search for a 3D model of jesus but none was free and we do not get paid for this extra rendering - so why pay.


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# 26 23-01-2004 , 10:00 AM
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hiya, the scene looks cool (it's almost there but not quite). I've just been told that with final gather you can save out the maps you generate and then bake them into the scene (thus reducing any other renders you want to do). It's just a thought. I mean waiting 4 hours just to check if something looks ok isnt really a good ide now is it? And if you have it baked you should be able to do a flythru or whatever you need to.


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# 27 23-01-2004 , 11:13 AM
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Originally posted by Pure_Morning
hiya, the scene looks cool (it's almost there but not quite)

What do you think is missing ?

I finally rendered with the common renderer and this render took 35 mintues for 640x480 and 1 hour 20 minutes for the 1024 x 768

never tried baking


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# 28 23-01-2004 , 11:30 AM
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ok for me there is a lack of sharp specular highlights throught the scene. Surfaces such as those vases would have a fairly well defined white highlight (assuming that they are shiny) do you know what I mean? The whole image to me seems to be a little soft and fuzzy (not blurred). It's hard to explain. Look around a room and yuou will see spec highlights everywhere (especially if it's sunny) I am sitting at my desk now and my keyboard keys have a whte highlight, my desklamp, my coffee cup, my keys, everything. That's what I think is missing and making the scene look soft.

Sorry if this doesnt make any sense user added image

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# 29 23-01-2004 , 11:40 AM
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got it,

The vases - are on purpose as I wanted them to have a CLAY look (before being varnished)

the others - just trying to avoid rendering time, and the not-sharp image may be due to the render size


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# 30 23-01-2004 , 12:36 PM
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no I dont mean it's not sharp, I simply mean that it has a fuzzy feel to it, things in real life are harder and sharper looking.

The best example I can give you is the chair arms. That metal part where the sun is illuminating it would have a massive spec hit on it. And it would be reflecting the stuff in the room. why dont you get some reflections going? that would help. Does FG give reflections? if not then I can give you a script to make cubic env maps for your geometry.


Technical Director - Framestore

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