Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 46 03-08-2006 , 10:10 PM
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Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, sighs...

hehe just kidding, looking very good mate.

The water is looking very good too. Nice reference from tadpole but I dont think the sunset is a good example for this required piece, nice pic though.

An after thought...

For the sky, just comp in the hi res background sky after but for the render, just scale the size of the hdr map even more (512) and blur it. Remember MR only uses the main light values from the image so detail and size arent required. It will help speed your renders up big time. And some background fog as Minstrel suggested would complete the shot.


# 47 04-08-2006 , 12:47 PM
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Hey Jay, cheers for the kind words!

for the sky im using a 360 degree sky texture I bought from Dosch design not the HDRI. Im rendering in Layers with per layer render settings so for the enviroment I have a half nurbs sphere with the sky texture (256x512, final resolution of the sky will be 3000x6000 pix) in the incandesence channel of a lamber shader and a poly plane with my ocean shader. I then have two other individual render layers with only a single plane and a MR IBL Node (with the HDRI image that I created from the enviroment... its 512x1024). then an effects layer - Tracers and muzzle flashes again with the IBL node.

I had a think about adding the sky in in AEffects but that would mean I would have to match move the image with the maya cameras animation data. So I decided against it and went with a sky dome, do you think there is an easier way possibly?

Render times are reasonable with maya finishing all the layers to create a single frame in 7 minutes. Its the Raytraced ocean that takes up most of the time (no FG on the ocean though, no need).

If you know any tricks I could apply to speed up the process let me know!

# 48 04-08-2006 , 02:10 PM
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Am I right in reading, you are using 'the' IBL? That will slow your render times for sure.

I'll give it some thought and drop a line on the msn at some point


# 49 05-08-2006 , 02:45 AM
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7 minutes per frame... that's almost 3 hours rendering time for 1 second of film... hope you have a lot of computers or of lot of time... :p

# 50 05-08-2006 , 08:29 AM
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Hahaha, well I have a good friend who has kindly offered the survice of her boyfriends PC while he is away for 3 months or so working on an oli rig user added image

# 51 05-08-2006 , 10:12 AM
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LOL I hope thats all shes offered while hes away user added image


# 52 06-08-2006 , 03:39 PM
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Now now Jay :shakehead

what do you take me for :p

# 53 07-08-2006 , 02:29 PM
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Hmm seem to be struggling with Glass in my Spitfire.

Its constantly turning out reflective black.

I have a Maya blinn applied with a MR Dialectric material plugged into the MR Shader node in the Shading group of the blinn. On the Messerschmitt it turns out fine. Both are using Nurbs planes as the Geo for the panes of glass.

If anyone has any ideas on what it could be, let me know... I've tried turning off Recieving and casting shadow options in the render stats of the shape nodes and normals are pointing in the correct direction... Even upping the values for raytracing reflections and refractions etc doesn't help.

user added image
user added image

this one really has got me, they're both rendered using exactly the same shader and geo settings.

Any help greatly appreciated



# 54 07-08-2006 , 07:33 PM
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Try increasing the number of reflection and refraction rays in the MR global attributes. If you have too few rays in there glass will show black...This usually happens if you have two transparent surfaces next to each other, or the same surface but bent so that light travels through 4 layers of glass...for each pass light makes on either side of the glass you'll need 1 ray. Try bumping the number to 6 on both reflection and refraction, the ray depth should be the sum of # of reflaction and refractions, which would mean 12 for ray depth if you used 6 on each. You rendering will take a ltl longer thx to all this extra work...

# 55 08-08-2006 , 06:38 AM
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Thanks for that Minstrel, but that doesn't seem to be the problem! Can't understand it either!

Cheers for the help though


# 56 08-08-2006 , 07:39 AM
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Dude, try a simple blinn first without the Dielectric node, see if that renders first...


# 57 08-08-2006 , 07:53 AM
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Hey Jay, cheers for that...

For some reason, increasing the transparency of the blinn shader and still having the MR material plugged in solved the problem.

This wasn't the case for the the panes of glass in the Messerschmitt as changing the transparency didn't change anything when using the MR material (which should be the case im sure).

But hey it solved the problem, there will be a logical explanation somewhere, i'll just have to take the scene apart later and find out. The main thing is that it's rendering correctly now!

I'll have more updates at the end of the week, perhaps a finished rendered shot 1!

Cheers Jay!


# 58 08-08-2006 , 09:20 AM
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Hey Jamie

Oh good stuff, theres nothing worse than somethings not going right when it should be so simple a task.

Look forward to the rest


# 59 13-08-2006 , 04:38 AM
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Ok i've done a quick render of shot 1, I can see all the flaws now so i'll be going back and fixing those and then rendering it for the final time:

Sorry about the poor quality, but i've compressed the original file to 10% of its original size. If you want me to post the original it will be around 100mb dl. Just let me know,
Here the compressed version:
WMV 1MB only

and a screenshot from the render:
user added image

so far I will have to correct the following:

- Shadows to ocean from plane
- Propellers
- Animate plane wing parts to coincide with plane rolling
- Sort out the tracers, have more and slow them down.

If anyone has anything else to add before I re-render, let me know!!



# 60 13-08-2006 , 06:11 AM
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wow i really really like this and the have been playing it over and over again it find crits. good news there are none :attn: well done a really can't wait for the finished version

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