Yes, thats what I was pointing out to NeoStrider, but wasn't a direct request for you to change, but the eyes in toy pic do however sit on the face not inside BTW. As far as my .gif is concerned, it doesn't reflect 100% what the toy in the pics show. The pics are still low quality, and it's hard to really tell how the back of the upper part of the jaw fits based on them, however some parts were obvious, and you made changes accordingly. Sorry for not pointing out the head length to you you mean on the toy they stick out while I modeled them inside the head?
Anyway, the .gif was merely a suggestion based on my own observations. No one is forcing you to make changes. I will say this again, it's your project, and you make it the way you want, and thats the most important thing. So don't take my criticism the wrong way. I have no problem with you disagreeing with me.