thanks Dango!
i think i desaturated it too much
i'm using mental ray (i wouldn't use hardware or software renderers... they just lack the ray tracing...)
the "trails" (they're actually "telepathic links" between the ships and their pilots, with the whole 'i become my ship' concept in mind, are actually lightning effects with the glow's source turned off and the lights turned off. you should have seen it with all 28 point lights on... total bloom
i'm putting an explanation of my scene on the side too... since you can't really tell what's happening just by looking at the pic
i had to make the links visible so you could tell what belongs to what
before you couldn't tell that the red ship was linked to the two red wing ships at the back there and it looked like all five ships were attacking the little one with the shields
that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"
Computer skills I should have:
Objective C, C#, Java, MEL. Python, C++, XML, JavaScript, XSLT, HTML, SQL, CSS, FXScript, Clips, SOAR, ActionScript, OpenGL, DirectX
Maya, XSI, Photoshop, AfterEffects, Motion, Illustrator, Flash, Swift3D
Last edited by Chirone; 28-05-2009 at 11:31 AM.