Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 61 06-12-2005 , 03:22 PM
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hope I may ask you some question dilberts. you mentioned using lots of surfaces and your renderings do look pretty damn smooth - mine do not. so I guess you will know about what i might be doing wrong.

I found that the rendered smoothness can be adjusted in the Tessellation and Advanced Tessellation Tab in the nurbs shapeNode. but what if I have 47858 nurbs patches....?

is there a way to override specific tessellation settings of each nurb? or would i have to adjust every single nurb?

I might be on the wrong track, but how do you deal with this issue?

edit: forget about my silly question - found the answer here

Last edited by Falott; 06-12-2005 at 03:27 PM.
# 62 06-12-2005 , 11:02 PM
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Falott, select all the patches you want to adjust, then go to Window>General Editors>Attribute Spead sheet and hit the tesselation tab. Now you can adjust whatever you want in a spread sheet format.

# 63 08-12-2005 , 08:02 AM
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Been busy at work, so I haven't had time to work on the challenge the last couple of days. I'm going to finish the modeling this weekend, and then spend the next two weeks rendering. This render is an extremely quick color render, with no time spent on textures or the environment. It's dark and generally ugly looking. Plus it was rendered at very low settings for speed. Regardless, I did it just to see how close to getting a real photo image I was getting, and even at this low quality I'm fairly happy about the look. Once I spend time on the textures and rendering settings, I think this will be my most photorealistic project yet.

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# 64 08-12-2005 , 02:13 PM
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As you say, it's a bit too dark though, and from looking at the rear wheel, the tire shader looks a bit too specular IMO... But great job none the less!

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# 65 08-12-2005 , 09:05 PM
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HOLY CRAP! This might make it to the gallary if it were by me!

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# 66 10-12-2005 , 08:15 PM
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Couldn't resist messing with a render for a bit. Still gotta finish up the modeling though. The compositing needs some work, but I'm reasonably happy so far.

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# 67 10-12-2005 , 08:28 PM
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great but fix tiers shader...looks plastic!
Try to put on some dirt to fit the background...

# 68 10-12-2005 , 08:32 PM
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Slightly nicer composite

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# 69 10-12-2005 , 08:46 PM
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Artsy black and white.

The HDRI needs a lot of work, I agree. I haven't picked the final one yet, and the textures are very rushed. A lot of this bike actually has a brushed aluminum type metal rather than a chrome, but I haven't gotten around to doing that yet.

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# 70 10-12-2005 , 09:16 PM
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dude another peice of amazing work
i agree that the tyres look plastic and i also think the disk for the brakes has a slight wrong tone to it

i like the b&w shot very nice

u've got my vote for this

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 71 10-12-2005 , 10:00 PM
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Thanks. You're right about the tires. I haven't worked on them yet as they'll have a displacement map for the treads. I've got to stop messing with rendering and finish the actual model. user added image

# 72 10-12-2005 , 10:15 PM
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looking very promising bud once you work on the shaders and do the final render it will be awsome

but please lean the bike over a bit and add the kickstand or get some half naked female sat astride it ya can't have it floating in midair ............user added image

sorry had to make silly coment cos can't find anything wrong with the model user added image

nice work man

# 73 11-12-2005 , 12:25 AM
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Just rushed off a quick studio style render. There's no shadows, and I had some of the pipes assigned to the wrong render layer, but it gives an idea of what a studio render will look like. I think I'll have to add a couple of regular lights with this set up because it's just too dark in places.

You're right about it being too straight up. Gotta model that kick stand some time :p

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