Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 61 11-02-2009 , 08:39 PM
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Comp it is taking just as long as rendering the whole thing.

Also I have been told that baking FG is only good for still objects. Just have to live with the render times then.

# 62 11-02-2009 , 08:57 PM
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I think you should switch rebuild to off under FG options, once you fire it off a couple of times you switch to freeze. There are a bunch of options under mental ray> map visualiser
it basically makes a point cloud from which it calculates the FG info, rather than doing it on the fly. I'm really unsure about the rest but im sure someone can pick up the pieces or correct me

The problem is that the guy who taught me this is a maya master, and he said stuff really fast sometimes and you think "ach, i'll not need to remember that" but in fact i do user added image
So an answer to this would be super useful. more thing, you should try manually lighting the scene, because you might find you will get a flickering with FG when you animate the camera move. but your approach might avoid that.

# 63 11-02-2009 , 09:43 PM
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been talk to a few people about FG and they said that I should be fine with the flicker as long as it its not the main light source - which it is not - I have 2 spot lights with area light attached to it.

What you tell me about the map visualiser is also what they are saying but my problem is its 8.5 hours a render a couple of renders for rebuild would take close to a week.

But many thx for trying

# 64 13-02-2009 , 01:37 AM
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Finally a neck piece I am happy with. Still need to work on the shaders but you get the drift. On with the weapons

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# 65 14-02-2009 , 11:10 AM
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Well here it is with the weapons and the new neck and some changes to the shaders. Next on with some DOF tests.

Render time went up til 13 hours

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# 66 17-02-2009 , 07:34 PM
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looks really good i just wanna pick it up and play already user added image

# 67 17-02-2009 , 08:21 PM
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OK catch up time:, Lots done while site offline ....

Pre DOF work (Shader tests)

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Ok this is the final test for the depth of field before render.

user added image

Taking this image longways now (1080x1920) as I think it looks better than wide (1920x1080) and can focus more on Robo Grimlock than the scene.

I think I am done with the tests on the shaders so hopefully this will be the final render for the robot

I have added some of the reflection back in to the floor as I think it looked better with it but its still no where near as reflexive as it was

I`m so glad I went back to this - as this was just a dead file on my hard drive and now I have learnt sooo much from this. Really happy with it

Last edited by tweetytunes; 17-02-2009 at 08:36 PM.
# 68 17-02-2009 , 10:31 PM
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Ok Have some problems here. After 22 hours of rendering all I got was this.

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I had to stop the render as I need my PC back (useless when rendering) and its about 3/5 done.

I`m really happy with the look just want to do it faster

There must be a quicker way - Plz anyone can you help me - As I so want this animated (the camera not the Dinobot)

# 69 17-02-2009 , 10:40 PM
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did you use a zdepth pass or just dof in the camera attributes?

# 70 17-02-2009 , 10:43 PM
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Both, but the zdepth was not created because the render was scrapped.

I do have a full scal zdepth map for just the background (no grimlock or sword - but the gun, instructions,box and stickers is there) but I have no idea what to do with it

The DOF was metral ray lens thing-e someone at cgtalk told me about.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 17-02-2009 at 10:49 PM.
# 71 18-02-2009 , 03:50 PM
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Well I think I`m done with Robo-Grimlock

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1080x1920 Version Here

In the end I took the background, copied the layer, Blurred it then used a ramp to fade it in. Much quicker than Maya alone.

Oh and I added the Autobot logo - just because I thought the chest was bare

Just going to copy some shaders over and start the Dino verson.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 18-02-2009 at 06:39 PM.
# 72 18-02-2009 , 11:39 PM
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Nice rendres... the DOF doesn't seem that realistic though, it looks like it's glowing...

# 73 18-02-2009 , 11:44 PM
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glowing ???

# 74 19-02-2009 , 01:19 AM
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Nice stuff dude,
It looks like you need to mult your alpha out, you have the good ol' black outlline round your model.

Your lighting is a little confusing to the eye. The light is desaturated if not completely gray scale, it could do with a stronger sense of direction and some clear bounced color ranges coming from the table. The AO pass (or multiple shadow directions?) is contributing to a confusing sense of light direction and makes it seem a little disjointed from the surroundings.

With this kind of subject matter you could push the pose / camera angle some more to make it more engaging to look at. Apart from that the modelling seems faultless and you clearly had alot of fun making this, keep it up!

FX supervisor - double negative
# 75 19-02-2009 , 01:40 AM
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Thx for the crit and kind words,

In the end I did not use the AO layer it darkend the image to much.

Any idea how I get rid of the black edge, all I did was place the robo image on top of the background and on my laptop I could not see it, but can really see it on my desktop.

The light set up is the same one from the dino images but can have another look at it.

The pose is a hard one because its a toy, and I want it that way, but that means it hard to change the pose with the only real movement in the arm areas in robo mode. The real toy if you do anything with thelegs he falls over andthe head does not move.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 19-02-2009 at 01:43 AM.
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