Yah, so are we supposed to think up ideas for, design and make the weapons without you're input? (2d or 3d i guess)
I was thinking of powerups this is what i got. Tell me what you think you can code (i'm sure we can handle all the images)
Speed ( )v( gets credit )
weapon modifiers (shooot 2 or 3 sprites? or maybe modify sprites to make bigger, or better looking like Sprite1, modified=sprite5 ?)
A bot ship that would shoot things (sounds hard)
Ammo (i think it should be one kind fits all)
Health Regenerator
Also i posted this, but you didn't mention it so i will remind you. Sprite1.psd has 3 layers, each is a frame, try animating it and tell me how it comes out. I made it very quick just to see how much time i will have to spend on it when i do it for real.

"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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