MR : Maya dt3D skin Shader
DT3D skin shader is an oren nayar based shader with at the moment 54 controllable attributes that control the subsurface scattering and the many specular layers. It has 4 functions contributing to the subsurface scattering all of which no raytracing is needed to work. Its specular layers are comprised of 8 specular calls one including a lafortune specular function with measured skin reflectance data inputed into it, so really thats 10 specular calls. Then the shader is build in a layer fashion mimicing that of real skin, I layered 3 skin layers the subdermal, dermis and epidermis.
Os: NT/2000/XP
Maya Version: 4.0 / 4.5 / 5.0 / 6.0 / 6.5
:Mental Ray: