1) What are border edges?
Border edges are edges to a polygon that form the very edge of your object. If the edge in question has a polygon face on both its sides then it is a plain edge. If it only has a polygon face on one side, it is a border edge.
Where "O" = a polygon face
Where "||" = a polygon edge
OOOOO||OOOOO = a normal edge
OOOOO|| = a border edge
2) When are created?
They are created either when using a 2d shape, such as a polygon plane, or when a faces are removed from a poly object, leaving an sharp single line edge
3) Where are created?
Basically at the edges of your polygons. In the maya prefs you can set how bold (and obvious) border edges are, so making them easy to see. I cant remember exactly where they are, but if you do a quick search of the forums you should be able to find a guide of how to change the 'border edge thickness'
4) Why i cant delete them?
They form the very edge/end of you shape, you cant delete an edge as it is connected to a polygon face. Each face must have an edge - if you want to remove the edge, you will have to delete the whole face or........
5) How can i fix the problem?
This problem normally occurs when vertices havent been merged, 2 vertices may lie directly on top of each other, occupying the exact same 3d space, but they still count as 2 separate vertices. They will need to be merged.
If i was you I would
a) change the thickness of the border edges to make them real easy to see
b) turn on X-ray
c) look where each border edges lies, look at the vetices on the end of an edge.
d) reset the settings of the merge vertices tool
e) merge the vertices that form the border edges together.
I hope that helps, and is understandable. Anyone else please feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made 
If your still really stuck, you can post a screenshot of the hand in wireframe mode, which will help find out whats going on
Last edited by azimuth; 19-08-2005 at 01:03 PM.