and i think i am not talented enough to explain how to do a step by step make a spherical projection. i know what i do, just assign a 2d texture w/ option "as projection" to the color of a material. and then click the 3dplacetexture and move it where i want it to project. i believe that the texture will stay in the same position in the room and floats through the object if the object gets moved. and to avoid that i thought maybe animating the 3dplacetexture would help.Originally posted by dkouts
Thanks for the reply, BabyDuck!
I cant move the CVs around, as they need to be where they're concentrated now, so as to animate the mouth properly.
Can you give me a quick step-by-step re: spherical projection?
I'm transitioning from Houdini after 4 years, so I know a thing or two about 3D, but just finding my feet with Maya, so apologies for asking what is a basic question!
and What do you mean by '...animate the texture as well...?