maya mental ray colour/occlusion rendering question!
hi, guys
i have a issue which is rendering in mental ray with mix20layer
the thing is i made a character and now skin mapping almost finished,but i wanna the final output image with colour and occlusion separately in order to compose them in shake
but the problem is: after the occlusion rendering, i found under the the nose of my character has some shadow appear ed( actually, u know for occlusion rendering, it's normal ..) but, i don't wanna have these shadows under the nose of my character. Because it looks like my character has a man's beard ( she's a girl ), so the problem is if the final output is a still image , that will be easy , i can take that shadow part away in cs2....but , i am doing a animation , and the images will be tons of tons sequence's impossible to modify that shadow part one by one in cs2...
guys, help...really...
( the follow image is two still images, one is occlusion and one is colour image,and i composed them in cs2 with multiply layer. and also i used Dodge tool took the shadow part under the nose for occlusion image. so after compositing u can't see the shadow now), but try to imagine if the thousand sequence images, that is no possible to do things like i did in cs2)
help ???