you can't, since it's all one mesh it needs to keep all that info for the deformation. I'm sure you already saw the deformation gets messed up or it doesn't read the mesh when you create a blendshape, if you delete the faces of the body. It's a hassle but that's why you should create a layer for your blendshapes and hide the visibility once you're done. That's why I use clusters for the deformation.
FOr example, when I want to create a blink for the eyes i create 2 clusters for each eye, a total of 4 for both eyes. One for the top lid and another for the bottom lid. Then I change the pivot, for each cluster, to the center of the eyeball and rotate the cluster according, so that the lids close and then adjust the weights on each vertice through the component editor so I can get a nice deformation when the lids close. Much more simple than blendshapes. After I'm done adjusting the weights, I'll use set driven keys to control the clusters via a Curve control. That way I don't have to open up the blendshapes window when I want to animate the blink.
EA Games
Last edited by djknucklez1; 28-11-2007 at 12:11 PM.