Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 25-03-2008 , 10:16 AM
ColdWave's Avatar
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How to render in wireframe ?

How i can render my wire while my object is rotating user added image Coz i'm going to make a demoreal :attn: I have a lot of new cool stuffs soon i will get back to the forum user added image

# 2 25-03-2008 , 10:21 AM
Rhetoric Camel's Avatar
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I'm not completely sure if this is right, but I think you have to lay out the uv's and attach them to a shader like you would a texture, and I believe the lines will show up. I haven't done this but I think I read that somewhere.

or you can do a vector render that I read up on that I posted in the maya tips and tricks sticky post.

This is from that post:

Do a wireframe render of your model. I came across a site with the instructions here:

Here are the instructions copied over (you need the vectorrender.mll plug in turned on Windows>Setting/Preferences>Plug-in Manager)

-Window -> Preferences-> Plugin Manager

-Turn VectorRender.mll on

Go to render globals-> open Maya Vector tab

for wireframe render

Render Globals:

File Name Prefix: "Your_image_name"

Frame/Anim Ext: name.#.ext

Image format: Targa

Start and end frame

Maya Vector TAB:

Appearance Options:

Curve Tolerance= 0

Detail Level Preset:

Automatic or High Quality (blurs the lines)

* = Fill Objects

Fill Style: Single Color

= Show Back Faces (On or Off depends on your goal, I would leave it on)

* = Include Edges

Edge weight=Hair

or 0.200 (any value, makes the wireframe’s line width thicker)

Edge Style = Outline

* = Edge Detail:


Heres my vector render, they're pretty cool, look kind of hand animated, old cartoon style
user added image

looking at that picture reminds me I have to finish that car at some point in time.

Last edited by Rhetoric Camel; 25-03-2008 at 10:25 AM.
# 3 25-03-2008 , 10:33 AM
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10x mate user added image I own you a beer user added image

# 4 25-03-2008 , 11:46 AM
Rhetoric Camel's Avatar
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thanks for the beer, I'll take a Guinness.

Hopefully the UV layout method works for you. And hopefully you don't have too much trouble with the vector render method, I've heard some people have troubles getting it to render properly. Good luck man.

# 5 25-03-2008 , 11:51 AM
mastone's Avatar
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You can also use the mental ray contourshader, just enable it in the renderglobals and in the shadinggroup of your material

# 6 25-03-2008 , 12:24 PM
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Ok i enable it from the RG but i can't find conture in my blinn material user added image .. The uv thing i didn't understand how it must work :angery:

# 7 25-03-2008 , 12:30 PM
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I found a way of doing it user added image

# 8 25-03-2008 , 12:31 PM
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wireframe render:

copy from that site:

Wireframe Rendering in Maya

This tutorial will show you how to create a shader that will render a wireframe of your model and not render the backfacing wireframes. Before following the steps below, unwrap your mesh.

1. Take a snapshot of your UVs.
2. Create a shader node of your choice (I used a lambert).
3. Create a Condition node (under General Utilities).
4. Create a Sampler Info node (under General Utilities).
5. Create a 2D File Texture node and load your UV snapshot as the file.
6. Create a Ramp node, and delete all colors but one.
7. Change the remaining ramp color to either black or white (you may need to change this later).
8. Connect the outColor attribute of the UV file texture to the colorIfTrue attribute of the Condition node.
9. Connect the outcolor attribute of the Ramp node to the colorIfFalse attribute of the Condition node.
10. Connect the flippedNormal attribute of the Sampler Info node to the firstTerm attribute of the Condition node.
11. Connect the outColor attribute of the Condition node to the transparency attribute of the shader node.

You may need to use a Reverse node between the UV file texture and the Condition node to make it work correctly. Reverse nodes are pretty simple: they have an input and an output. All they do is invert the colors of a color node. For the same reason, you may need to change the ramp node from white to black, or vice-a-versa.

Also, you may need to attach the outColor of the UV file texture to the colorIfFalse attribute of the Condition node, INSTEAD of the colorIfTrue attribute (in step 8).

You're done!

# 9 25-03-2008 , 12:40 PM
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10x man user added image i have one model uploaded in Highend user added image my tooth rig (chuckle) thx again

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