After lurking here for a long time, gazing at other peoples stuff, but never getting into maya myself I finally received the last kick under my butt to get me going.
I am a software developer, and went to the Microsoft Devdays in Amsterdam where they had a big showcase on XNA, after toying around with it a little some people at work where impressed by the possibilities and asked if I wanted to look into it.
So, software was ordered, and I got some budget for self education, I bought a tutorial from another site (Shame on me!) that describes the entire workflow, from an empty maya sheet all the way to a textured, animated model rendered by XNA.
I will be posting my progress in this thread.
Little side note, as a programmer some things just short-circuit my mind, putting things 'over there because it looks nice' blows all kind of fuses my programming experience have build over the years.
None the less, I find this a rather relaxing way of spending time!
Just blocking out atm :

Wire :
(Hope the images where not too big)