Is it possible to render fur in a render layer?
I tried to rendered my environment that has fur, paint effects converted to polygon trees, alpha maps for my foliage, maps of 2048 resolution with color, spec and bump maps in a straight batch render. But it only rendered 15% as said in the script editor and it said completed. It didn't render the whole scene, because it ran out of memory again.
I am using Maya 8.5 and I know the presets of the render layers are buggy and I am not good at compositing anyway...
For the first question:
Do I have to render the fur feedback in a different layer of the render layer?
2) For the flat color pass (diffuse)...Do I select all geometries include the lights and dome with surface shader and set it to diffuse?
3) For spec, do I select everything including the lights and use the preset for spec?
4) For reflection for my pond...there is no preset for it.
5) I have displacement. Is there anyway, I can render the occlusion with displacement?
6) Well there is the fur.
7) Since occlusion gives you shadow, why would I need to render the shadow? And how to render the shadows separately?
Please let me know how I can go about doing it so I can finish my demoreel. Thank you very much.