Film has higher resolution than blu-ray. Film offers 10,000 lines of horizontal resolution compared to the 1920 X 1080 lines that consumer blu-ray offers. Digital Commercial Cinema uses the same resolution as blue-ray, but instead of using MPEG 2 or AVCHD codecs, Digital Commercial Cinema uses the JPEG 2000 video codec. The Digital Commercial Cinema projector also does a little up-scalling to bring the final output to 2048 x 1080.danotronXX:wrote
hey there,
quick question. which has a higher resolution, blu-ray movies or the resolution films are projected on film theaters.
i tried googling it couple times but I'm still not getting a straightforward answer. maybe its not a straightforward question. but anyways wanted to see if any of you knew this cause i've been tryn to find out for a bit.
yeah they sure are. Its the way it works. Its like versions of software, the industry will always have the newest version which will then be written upon for improvements to pipelines, then usually a version of that will be introduced to the public. Its also like the muscle plugin for maya, how long ago was gollum created using this stuff? The consumer will get the technology in about 5 years time when its made more feasible for home use...or out of date as far as big companies are concernedSo Commercial Digital Cinema use's something different.