Maya2011 HumanIK feet to floor contact?
I find that, with maya, there's always a lot of "talk" about a specific feature with never any clear documentation about how one can actually go about "using" it.
One of these is the HumanIK feet-to-floor contact where one can make feet (and even hands) of humanik characters respond naturally to any type of floor, leveled or inclined.
But after I create skeleton, position bones, create controls and rig . . . my characters feet keeps going through the floor during animation. Maybe I'm just extremely noob with maya, but what must I do to get feet to react to floor?
I've always been seeing "if feet to floor contact is enabled...blah blah blah" but I have never actually seen any documentation telling me HOW to enable it, neither have I seen any such options in the humanik dialog (to the best of my checking).
If this feature does exist, it is my humble opinion that it is not at all intuitive to find.
Does anyone know how to go about enabling this?
<sorry for partial rant. Spent over an hour looking for this. it's frustrating>