They are teaching us how to create CGI VFX for Film, TV and Video Games. My specialty is Modeling, Texturing, and some Animation using software such as Maya, 3DS Max, Houdini, and Cinema 4D.
I am a second year Freshman. One class I have this year, is an "Intro to Python" class. For me this is a very hard class, in fact I failed the midterm and had to hire a professional tutor to help me get through the labs and study for the Final. Good news is if I do well on the Final, our teacher will throw out the midterm grade and replace it with the Final grade. However, we still need to do a final project.
Normally this would be doing a game of some sort (coding it in Python), but due to an unfortunate issue in my life (My mom battling cancer), our teacher is allowing me to do something that combines Maya (which I know pretty well), and Python...which I am getting better at, but still need a lot of help on.
Basically I need to find a project (hopefully one that isn't too difficult) that would basically combine Python with Maya. I guess that would be some kind of scripting thing that helps Maya do something, with the aide of Python. I know that sounds lame, but I don't really have the vocabulary of a seasoned programmer.
I was wondering if anyone here could give me any kind of ideas on projects of this sort. I need to submit something for my teacher to approve of not approve of, by Monday of next week. I figured I would ask, and any help would be very much appreciated...Thank You