As you can tell, it's still a work in progress. The scene is VERY dimly lit, since I want it to be lit by just candlelight. I will be adding more candles to my scene. FYI, I am using a render engine that people on this forum may not relate to or know how to use, which is Renderman, Pixar's engine.
What I would like some tips on are some ideas of what else to put on the table, we need at least 20 objects, and may I get some tips on how to add dust on my objects, to make my scene look old and real? My teacher suggested I add dust to make those cobwebs stay in place. Renderman has a PXRLayeredSurface material which puts a texture layer of dirt on top of the base material, but I never clearly understood the video tutorials, since it is a complex shader. I would just use a texture map, but that won't work with the reflective metal/glass materials. What other ways can I add dust? NParticles? How do I make the dust stick to the objects in the scene? I wish there was a dust brush in the Visor or something. Is there a plugin I can use?
Nevertheless, I hope you all enjoy this WIP so far, and I look forward to hearing your critiques.