Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 1 17-08-2003 , 09:16 PM
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August - Scraggy_dogg - Noobie

I very much doubt if I will finish this before deadline as I am very lacking in the skills required, but I owe some pple for all their patience with me on the Forums ..... user added image so am willing to 'ave a doo' as they say in M/CR
Cheers guys, all of ya.... Scraggy

# 2 19-08-2003 , 03:57 PM
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A render...

I made this bottle, because I still have no 'main' idea yet.
I must admit I had problems, but learned a bit user added image
I managed to UV map the label in Photoshop, but when I put back on my bottle it is not wide enough?
Cannot work out how to widen it when in Maya.
I may start again with it.. the textures are naff...also may make it Glass.
I can do glass but dunno how to fill with liquid?
Are there any good tut's or tips? on putting liquid into glass bottles... user added image Cheers Scraggy

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# 3 19-08-2003 , 10:37 PM
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I have problems .....

Hmmm, I tried to do my best to create something without extra
faces/vetex's/edges but looks like I aint got there yet.. user added image
I have tried a few times but still mess up... everytime I try

Boolean>Difference its's still no good, please can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong (still) ??? Ta Scraggy

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File Type: mb oscilloscope.mb (57.0 KB, 190 views)
# 4 20-08-2003 , 01:40 AM
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New label

.... Thanks to ' Frederickson' (sorry if mis-spelt) on Chat user added image

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# 5 20-08-2003 , 01:58 PM
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I really need to learn mapping...user added image
Don't worry if you finish or not, just think of these challenges as more of a learning school than anything. I've learnt heaps from my comments and I'm sure you will too.

There's still ten days left. I bet you can finish in that time.

Have fun, good luck. user added image

# 6 20-08-2003 , 02:02 PM
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You going to open a book on that bet...errr, I mean... *whistles*

# 7 20-08-2003 , 02:06 PM
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I just might actually..........err,
Well, it's still possible.

*schemes a scheming idea*

# 8 20-08-2003 , 05:33 PM
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Anyone have any ideas on why my Oscilloscope will not accept the 'Boolean Difference' ???? I tried to keep all faces/vertices from being duplicated and have even moved some out of the way...
Still no joy though user added image

# 9 20-08-2003 , 05:59 PM
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Sometimes helps to delete the history and freeze transformations before trying it.

# 10 20-08-2003 , 09:02 PM
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Ok, with this osculator file of yours, you seem to be trying to boolean something into the main object, but you only have one object. o_O

No one can really help you out with your boolean problem unless we know what you're trying to boolean and where specifically on the object you want the boolean done.

# 11 20-08-2003 , 09:48 PM
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Ok, after thinking about your file for a second, I gigured maybe you had accidently selected all your objects and choosen Polygons>Combine because that's what it looks like you've done.

I created two different oscilloscopes in the file attached. The right-most oscilloscope is your version, the middle one is a version made up of several objects (the easiest one for you to create), and the left-most one is a version made from extruding faces.

For a simple object such as this, booleans are not really neccesary because you'll usually end up with more faces that you should. In addition to this, if the boolean were to work, you would have irregularly-shaped faces. Making the box-like portions and the knobs seperately without extruding or booleaning makes modeling go faster in some cases. This is one of them.

For the middle model's box-like parts, I simply took a cube, selected one face, extruded it inward by scaling the face, then extruded it inward with the move tool and placed it where ever I pleased on your main object.

For the bottom box-like part, you have a small extrusion that appears to be some kind of button I guess. To create this, I used the SplitPolyTool under the Editpolygons list to make an extra edge, movd the edge to the right, then extruded it. I'm fairly sure this is what you did as well in your version.

If you don't like having your oscilloscope being made up of several objects, you can always use the split poly tool to break the front face of the main object into many faces with which you can extrude from. I will explain exactly how to do this in the next post.

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File Type: mb oscilloscope.mb (99.8 KB, 167 views)
# 12 20-08-2003 , 09:59 PM
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In order to create your extruding box-like portions, you first need to split your front face several times. (see first image) As you can see, I have made an extra edge for the top part of the top box, an edge for the bottom part of the top box, an edge for the top part of the bottom box, and an edge for the bottom part of the bottom box. (4 extra edges total) All of this was done with the SpliPolyTool under the EditPolygons list.

I believe I explained the importance of snapping the vertices to the middle of an existing edge in a previous thread of yours. This ensures that the edge it srtaight and not slanted.

In the second image, you can see that I have created several edges going straight down to form the sides of both the top and bottom box-like portions.

In image three, I select the face for the top box-like part and the face for the bottom box-like part and extrude them outward. After that, I extrude again. Directly after I extrude this time, notice that you can either move or scale the extrusion. Scale it inward just a bit. After this, extrude once more and direct the extrusion into the inner part of the box so you can't see the face anymore.

The forth image illistrates what it should look like in the end.

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# 13 20-08-2003 , 10:05 PM
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Also, don't forget that even if you make the box-like portions seperate, you can always select the main object and both box-like objects and choose Polygons>Combine. If you're going for a low poly model and want the model to be one single object, this would be the best way to go rather than splitting the faces up as I illistrated above.

Tip - after you extrude, you can press the g key to extrude again. Note: deselecting your face will negate this effect.

Side note - There is actually an even faster way to split the front face up than what I did above. Instead of splitting the face up horizontally first, split it vertically first. This eliminates the extra edges on the right side of your front face that you probably won't even use.

Sorry for the three post guys.....

# 14 20-08-2003 , 10:12 PM
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Great darkware, this Is what I tried to convey over IRC but were too tired to explain in detail.

Björn 'santa' Fredriksson

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# 15 21-08-2003 , 01:11 PM
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Thanks loads! I really appreciate all the time you have taken to help me, not just in this post but others as well.
I'm going to just keep creating Poly models and practicing until it becomes second nature, using what you explained above.

Regards Scraggy

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