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Search: Posts Made By: onyx86
Posted By onyx86 On 10-07-2008 | Views: 7,977 Replies: 4
You will need to use projection mapping, and Photoshop or another graphic editor to paint out the seams.

This is a great dvd that walks you through the process of combining multiple face images...
Posted By onyx86 On 23-06-2008 | Views: 5,669 Replies: 26
Great model. The texture needs some work. The metallic / fishscale carpaint texture is too large and should be scaled down a bit. Right now the car looks like it would be matchbox car size.
Posted By onyx86 On 16-06-2008 | Views: 2,373 Replies: 8
Wow, thats too bad. He was one of my inspirations for working in film effects. He was always featured on one of my favorite shows growing up - Movie Magic. He will be missed.

/good night scary man
Posted By onyx86 On 15-06-2008 | Views: 3,268 Replies: 6
Forum: Finished Work
Nice, its an easy 3D fractal!
Posted By onyx86 On 15-06-2008 | Views: 24,428 Replies: 3
You can make snapping points with the split polygon tool. So if you had 1 snap point, it would be at 50%. If you had 2 snap points, they would be at 33% and 66%. 3 would be 25%, 50%, and 75% and so...
Posted By onyx86 On 15-06-2008 | Views: 5,066 Replies: 12
Thanks for all your replies. I ended up doing it like I originally considered - by making a polygon helix, with a certain number of coils and subdivisions, so that all the edge loops matched up. Then...
Posted By onyx86 On 09-06-2008 | Views: 4,374 Replies: 9
Heres what you would have to do. Create another NURBS cylinder inside the first one, but slightly smaller, to create the interior wall. Now project your curves on both of these cylinders. Select the...
Posted By onyx86 On 09-06-2008 | Views: 5,066 Replies: 12
Thanks for the advice. However that's not quite the part im having difficulty with. The hard part making the tube into an irregular shape like the S shape in the picture. I can make the ribbed /...
Posted By onyx86 On 09-06-2008 | Views: 1,906 Replies: 4
There is a shortcut for pasting into the same location (not the default center of the canvas). Try holding some other modifier keys while pasting, like ctrl+alt+v, crtl+shift+v, ctrl+alt+shift+v
Posted By onyx86 On 09-06-2008 | Views: 5,066 Replies: 12
Hi there! It's been a while since ive modeled much in Maya, and I am having trouble deciding how to make a certain shape.

Here is the shape im trying to make:...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 23