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Search: Posts Made By: GateKeeper
Posted By GateKeeper On 03-05-2014 | Views: 10,515 Replies: 3
Thanks Jay,

I've gotten into the habit of freezing transforms, and deleting history on the model(s) regularly throughout a project but I've never thought to save as a .ma file or delete all...
Posted By GateKeeper On 02-05-2014 | Views: 10,515 Replies: 3
Hey guys got a quirk I could use some help with.

My old PC crashed and I upgraded to a new one with windows 8 installed.

I'm using maya unlimited 2011, the 64 bit version, which I've never had...
Posted By GateKeeper On 27-09-2005 | Views: 1,404 Replies: 2
Yes I did and it still didn't work.

But I went ahead and uninstalled it and reinstalled PLE. Now its working fine.

Thanks for the reply.
Posted By GateKeeper On 25-09-2005 | Views: 1,404 Replies: 2
Hello all,

I seem to be having a problem with PLE. I've just downloaded it and sucessfully installed it. However when I bring up any object and try to right click to get a submenu to come up...
Posted By GateKeeper On 29-08-2004 | Views: 1,779 Replies: 2
Thanks for the point in the right direction.

I'd love to get my hands on Maya 6 and hopefully will be able to get ahold of it but that requires a better financial situation. :(
Posted By GateKeeper On 28-08-2004 | Views: 1,779 Replies: 2
Hello all,

I've stumbled upon an interesting effect for toon shading at

Basically its where the outline of the toon shader shades the contours of the model...
Posted By GateKeeper On 22-08-2004 | Views: 1,649 Replies: 4
And one more. ;)
Posted By GateKeeper On 22-08-2004 | Views: 1,649 Replies: 4
Thank you for the compliments M8s. I managed to finish the gun arms. I've been having a bit of trouble getting the reloading mechanism just right for the gun arms. The clip is the rearmost portion...
Posted By GateKeeper On 20-08-2004 | Views: 1,649 Replies: 4
After going though my last project one thing became very clear. I really need to start working on Rigging and Animation so that I can start doing actual full scenes instead of just characters.
Posted By GateKeeper On 20-08-2004 | Views: 6,864 Replies: 27
Forum: Finished Work
I really like the texturing you did for the ship.

How did you assemble the texture for that. I've always wondered how to make the type of texture where it looks like its made of seperate smaller...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 171