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Search: Posts Made By: shadowking420
Posted By shadowking420 On 22-07-2008 | Views: 1,329 Replies: 2
How would I go about checking / fixing that? Thanks for the quick reply. Are you not doing your little comic strips anymore?
Posted By shadowking420 On 22-07-2008 | Views: 1,329 Replies: 2
I have the Introducing Maya 8: 3d for Begginers books and I am following along with the projects in it. However I have noticed that when I make an object say the poly cylinder for the locomotive and...
Posted By shadowking420 On 21-07-2008 | Views: 1,246 Replies: 0
When I make a simple polygon cube everything is fine. After I have made it and adjust it height and width subdivisions it goes crazy. The verts end up everywhere. Anyone know why this happens?
Posted By shadowking420 On 28-02-2007 | Views: 1,139 Replies: 1
OK so I know that references for cars, etc. can often be blueprints but are there any such things for anime characters? I was looking for some on ed elric but I can only find pics of him in odd poses...
Posted By shadowking420 On 21-02-2007 | Views: 1,694 Replies: 6
Happymatt27 has put together some good tutorials on hair and such. Here ( Hope he doesn't mind me promo'ing his site, but I thought it was...
Posted By shadowking420 On 21-02-2007 | Views: 2,234 Replies: 9
If you are a student ( doesn't matter for what you are getting a degree) then there are other acedemic sites that offer complete for a lot cheaper (hundreds vs. thousands). if anyone knows what these...
Posted By shadowking420 On 21-02-2007 | Views: 2,144 Replies: 2
maybe you are looking for the smooth proxy? It is in effect a lattice having your less dense model in see through, and a smoothed version solid underneath so you can see what it looks like in a...
Posted By shadowking420 On 21-08-2006 | Views: 1,792 Replies: 1
how do you remove a smooth proxy without removing the changes made to the model?
Posted By shadowking420 On 21-07-2006 | Views: 9,802 Replies: 33
I know this is asked all the time... and I did search I just don't know exactly what to search for... how did you do the blue light and make it look claylike?
Posted By shadowking420 On 26-09-2005 | Views: 4,438 Replies: 21
Will be interesting to see what it looks like when you have finished.

p.s. I fought the war.... Marines all the way ;)
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