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Search: Posts Made By: RitchieTheBrit
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 20-09-2006 | Views: 4,680 Replies: 12
I'd say it looks that way, T1ck, the accessories are almost identical to the referance on the right.

I can't wait to see this sucker textured! Are you going to use normal mapping for the detailed...
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 19-09-2006 | Views: 4,680 Replies: 12
It's coming together nicely, very nicely!

Is it the Gnomon tut you're following? I was thinking of buying those, but a mate lent me the body modelling disk, and it seems to assume a you know a...
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 19-09-2006 | Views: 68,440 Replies: 238
Nice planning, Jay, can't wait for the renders!
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 19-09-2006 | Views: 68,440 Replies: 238
Wow, what am I doing here? I'm still looking for some tuts on poly flow, and theres peeps turning this stuff out?!? I need to go talk to some people on my own level now. Hello wall...

I don't...
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 19-09-2006 | Views: 4,680 Replies: 12
Hahaha! Well, like I said, it was a scar that opened up, honestly! And the appendage in Rabid wasn't phallic either! ;)

So are you following a tut for this?
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 18-09-2006 | Views: 1,740 Replies: 2
Nope, it's already set as fixed. I tried deleting the line that I inserted in Maya.env, and that didn't work either! Like I said, it's totally weird, as I've moved image planes without a problem in...
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 18-09-2006 | Views: 1,740 Replies: 2
Hey guys! Guess this is my first really newb question here, nut it's got me banging my head against a brick wall!!!

I've set up image planes in the past, and then manipulated them to get them...
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 17-09-2006 | Views: 68,440 Replies: 238
Hahahahaa, sorry Jay!

It was late at night, and I am trying to get back into the routine for Uni after the holidays! I was staying up till about 4 in the morning and now I have to be out of bed...
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 16-09-2006 | Views: 68,440 Replies: 238
Heh, thanks Jeff, but I can already use C4D! It's actually quite a powerful package, but it's not really industry standard for character stuff, though Maxon are trying to push it that way, and with...
Posted By RitchieTheBrit On 16-09-2006 | Views: 4,680 Replies: 12
Really nice start, can't wait to see some more!

You know what would look really cool, and to my memory, I can't recall seeing anything that was exactly what I'm thinking off...

I'm a big...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 18