This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with
complex objects.
Hi there.
Well, Im actually moving from MAX to MAYA and in some cases I try to find some common tools or procedures to ease my learning.
In this case, Im trying to find in maya a kinda deformer like one called Noise in MAX. I cannot find a similar deformer in maya. I was searching but there are no deformers like that.
The question so could be: how can I add noise directly to a surface... I mean, randomize vertex position, to get a look, for example like a stone, or ground, or any irregular surface? something like noise modifier in 3DSMAX...
you could add a shader
then under bump map you could add noise or any another predefined shader
i wouldnt show up the in view window but would at rendering
that's fine, but actually Im talking about a way to deform the geometry, and not the surface appeareance... I need this for example, to delete history... and continue working with the mesh (already deformed)...
Doesn't exist within Maya that I've ever found. There is a script on called zRandP. I think there are several scripts that will do what you want.
You could make the geometry a soft body then apply a turbulence field to it. I use that to get random surface displacement quite often. then you delete the particles created by the softbody.