Can anyone help? I really dont know what to change on the place2d or 3d texture settings.
I want to 've the text only on the top

thanks !!
Originally posted by stwert
Is the geometry UV mapped? If not, you'll have to do that first. If so, open the UV texture editor along with your bump image and align it that way. Hope that helps, and of course if you have more questions about this, feel free to ask.
Originally posted by stwert
It's never too late (or early) to learn UV mapping and get a good texturing workflow going. I'm no pro, but after a little while it gets much less daunting and tedious than it seems to start with. Start by checking out the Maya help tutorial on UV mapping.
But I think I see the problem there, if you really don't want to UV map it, try selecting only the top faces and apply your blinn texture to those faces only, instead of the whole geometry.