Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 16-09-2007 , 01:52 AM
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Posts: 4

strange shading :(

hey all,

Recently I started working with maya for a school project. The primary reason for this is because all my class mates are using 3dmax and im using a mac so this option wassnt availible to me.
I desided to use the Maya 8.5 personal learing edition and learing trough video tutorials provided by my school (yay user added image)
Although most of the options in the PLE seem to work exacly the same and im not to bothered by the bigass watermarking atm there is a thingy that is bothering me atm.

everytime i open one of the files provided by they seem to look different then in their videos. In wireframe they look the same but when i hit my '5key' for Smooth Shading All the things just look either strange or a bit off.. I often find myself needing to click items multiple times to even make them display a little bit of detail..

PLZ help..

here are 2 pictures of what it is suppose to look like and what it is looking like at my screen

Thnx in advance for helping me, i rly appriciate it!

marek piepers

# 2 16-09-2007 , 02:48 AM
tweetytunes's Avatar
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looks like the textures are missings, but normally for me they go green - so try pressing 6 instead of 5.

did the scene files come from the training dvd or from school hard drive as maybe someone saved some changes.

but it dose just looks like the colors are different does it really refect the training

Last edited by tweetytunes; 16-09-2007 at 02:55 AM.
# 3 16-09-2007 , 06:53 AM
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thnx for the reply

The files are from the dvd so they are the originals.. It issnt only the lynda training files though.. I have the same problem when i draw/create stuff myself.. they are either totaly black or white without detail user added image

# 4 16-09-2007 , 09:05 AM
BadG3r's Avatar
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could be the graphics card...

google your card with maya as key word. maybe some other people ran into the same prob.

# 5 16-09-2007 , 10:53 AM
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got a macbook, so that means that every macbook user should have this problem.. wish they dont ;P

# 6 29-09-2007 , 03:53 AM
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hmm still got the problem..

Anyone else using a macbook?

# 7 29-09-2007 , 05:07 AM
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Does your macbook have integrated graphics? Integrated graphics are no good for anything 3D, games or Maya.

C. P. U. Its not a big processor... Its a series of pipes!
# 8 30-09-2007 , 07:05 AM
blackstrings's Avatar
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its the graphic card for sure, most mac does that

9 months into Maya...and still learning...
0 experience with any other 3D programs
# 9 30-09-2007 , 10:58 AM
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I have a Macbook and the same problem!

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