Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 02-09-2007 , 04:52 AM
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BendingIsCool Sept/Oct Ruins start

Here's some early work on the Sept/Oct ruins challenge.

Going for an abandoned city kind of look, need to think of something cool to put near the top of the center building though, any ideas would be very much appreciated.

This is my first attempt at a challenge as I have a bit of time until uni starts up again in October so hopefully I can get some thing done lol!

Good luck to everyone entering and any ideas are very much welcome.


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# 2 02-09-2007 , 05:09 AM
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And another view, not sure if first piccy came out completely as on my screen it is only showing the top half.


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# 3 02-09-2007 , 09:03 AM
Joopson's Avatar
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no, it only displays half. anyway, you arent supposed to upload photos that are bigger than 640 by 480, so try to keep the image size down ^_^

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# 4 02-09-2007 , 09:35 AM
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oops lol. that would explain it!


# 5 02-09-2007 , 10:33 AM
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First thought when I saw this was 1 Times Square in New York... maybe that might give you some idea to play off of?

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# 6 02-09-2007 , 05:55 PM
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Thanks Therverian, I like the idea of a ruined city scene so the whole times square are is a cool idea.



# 7 03-09-2007 , 02:04 AM
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Here's an early texture/render to get a feel for the environment.

Hope you like so far, crits etc very welcome.


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# 8 03-09-2007 , 03:14 PM
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The ground texture kindof reminds me of cardboard atm...that gives me an idea. I think I'll make an actual kids diorama made of cardboard and.....maybe legos....gah i gotta remember what i did for my mission project in 5th grade.

I really like the look you got going with the modeling so far and am looking forward to seeing your progress.

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# 9 04-09-2007 , 12:23 AM
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very cool start! Are you going to make the crack running up the middle really deep?

# 10 04-09-2007 , 01:58 AM
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I hadn't thought about making the crack deeper but now you have mentioned it I may have to experiment! It could be a cool way to add the scene.


# 11 28-09-2007 , 02:36 PM
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Any more updates, your work so far is looking pretty incredible.

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# 12 10-10-2007 , 03:58 AM
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Soz I haven't updated in a while, my PC died so av been set back a while, but now got it back and is catching up with the work I lost, shall post progress v soon.


# 13 10-10-2007 , 07:08 AM
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sorry to hear that bendingiscool,
There's been quite a few people who that's happened to. So many in fact that I'm a little nervous it's going to happen to me. Hope you can get everything sorted out without too much stress.

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# 14 10-10-2007 , 07:28 AM
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Cheers perfecto, ya its annoying but these things happen I guess, just need to back up regularly. Shall chuck a couple of renders out hopefully this evening.


# 15 10-10-2007 , 09:46 AM
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Here's how far I have caught up so far, still working on the modelling but texturing is also fun, so doing them sort of hand in hand.


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