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# 16 26-09-2006 , 01:14 AM
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I know a few people who build heads alot, they often give advice which on occasion is good - In particular some dude who goes by the moniker of Jay - he's quite good, but his heads tend be build at a much larger scale LOL.



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# 17 26-09-2006 , 03:06 AM
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You mean almost mushroom like? Wow weird!


# 18 26-09-2006 , 03:19 AM
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You must know the guy.

Just experimenting with Shave at the mo, tried using separate caps within the head, which make the styling process much speedier, but not sure I will want to keep making custom blends for those to match the head, so trying using a copy of a non-renderable base head underneath, which although slightly slower to style with, means I can just feed a lower level copy of the expression from Zbrush into the rig. swings and roundabouts, but hopefully this way will work best as I don't want to change my mind again.

Oh, just as I was typing this message, maya crashed.

If at first you don't succeed to render without a crash, try try again



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# 19 26-09-2006 , 11:05 PM
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Here is my third go at the beard after a crash which corrupted my scene - it's great when that happens - it's coming along but needs plenty more work, haven't used Shave before so still getting to grips with it.

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# 20 27-09-2006 , 12:13 AM
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this looks good. how long does shave takes to render something like that?

# 21 27-09-2006 , 12:15 AM
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It looks excellent. My only advice, I know its still WIP, but add a fade (add grey to the baldness map or whatever it has in shave) around the edges as if he's missed some hair whilst trimming his beard, it will make it look better and more random, as its a little uniform right now.

Still great job though, I may have to ask somebody for the plugin for christmas....


# 22 27-09-2006 , 01:31 AM
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vladimirjp: Cheers.
It prob took a couple of minutes. I'm using dual 3.2Gz Xeon though. Wait till I try it on the Duuuuude setting. (seriously, it's an actual setting in the software)

Jay: Thanks mate, I know exactly what you mean and that's what bugs me at the mo and is what I plan to achieve next, as it's a little to clean and perfect (a bit craig david)
I'm using poly selections so there are no baldness maps, or cut maps as shave calls them. I'll look into a method tomorrow eve.



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# 23 27-09-2006 , 08:22 AM
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Wow an early morning reply, Cool, Im sure that shave will have a similar 'baldy' attr. for the type of thing you want. Just have a good dig around, it will be there.

Off to hang someone soon...



# 24 27-09-2006 , 10:41 AM
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Originally posted by GioChrono

a bit craig david

Dude, I nearly ruined my new laptop by spitting coffee all over it in a fit of laughter with the above quote!!

Looks a really good Job so far, be looking forward to updates on this.


# 25 27-09-2006 , 11:04 AM
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I'm just curious what you prefer to use for hair? Is Shave and a Haircut any better than what maya has built in?

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# 26 27-09-2006 , 12:00 PM
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Jay: Well it was actually a very late night reply.
Good luck in court 'Judge Edwards'

gster123: I've spilt milk over a pc before, and curry, but I'm much more professional now. Thanks for your interest, I hope to have an update on here this evening.

dockode: I think it's better, especialy version 4. I'm using V3.something. The main attraction though is that I have Maya Complete, and Shave only cost a few hundred quid, whilst upgrading Maya to Unlimited would cost the price of a damn good holiday for a family to Las Vegas.
Shave is claimed to have been used on King Kong, Underworld Evolution, Ultraviolet, and others. Granted they prob had in-house techs to rewrite it to work better(Weta in particular) but still, If it's good enough for them...



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# 27 27-09-2006 , 06:40 PM
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I meant my reply, it was early this morning, as I knew I would see anything until tonight.


# 28 28-09-2006 , 02:23 PM
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Looking great so far, love the eyes and the beard. Looking forward to seeing more.

And Shave was used on Underworld Evolution huh? I kinda like that film....user added image

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# 29 28-09-2006 , 05:45 PM
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Originally posted by marlonjohn
dude, thats the realist thing ived ever seen.... i love the detailing of it...


but how do i color things??

# 30 29-09-2006 , 08:09 AM
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Nice progress on the beard GioChrono

Shave definately has an option of a map for the length of the hair (in addition to the standard way you lengthen and shorten it with the brushes) and can be used to 'baldify' the areas you need.
The actual help info in the pdf is really good but I found that sometimes you need to read it a couple of times and have a quick play user added image

Are you enjoying using Shave? I loved it going into the view mode and playing about with brushing individual hair groups to get the effect that you need. It would have been nice to have all the ortho viewports in use instead of just the perpective view though.


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