Integrating 3D models with photography
Interested in integrating your 3D work with the real world? This might help
# 16 04-10-2006 , 11:34 PM
NeoStrider's Avatar
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vast improvement. good job!

of course everyone seems to love hdri for their reflective capabilities, but if your spheres are fully reflective like that how can you tell how well your new hdri can light a scene?

(that's my way of saying i wanna see a render of like a torus on a plane... if you MUST have reflections in it, please turn them down so you can see what the light does as it bounces around)

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# 17 05-10-2006 , 01:16 AM
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You want to see a torus, without doing any background texturing or reflections?

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# 18 05-10-2006 , 01:59 AM
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well with just a bunch of shiny spheres you can see the reflection really well, but it doesn't give you an idea of how your hdri actually lights the scene, which is what their purpose is to begin with... so use your hdri you created to light a simple scene with maybe a cube and a sphere, but on a plane so you can see what the light does shadow-wise... don't bother putting a material on the objects in the scene. that way you can see the natural colors your hdri puts off in lighting the scene.

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# 19 05-10-2006 , 11:21 PM
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Ok. I found a couple of problems with my old pic.

1. I rendered with maya software, not mental ray.
2. I forgot to turn off light intensity

So, I guess its not exactly HDR, but looks nice.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

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Last edited by AnthonyCg; 06-10-2006 at 12:00 AM.
# 20 06-10-2006 , 12:00 AM
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Heres what I think u wanted 2 see. Its a jpeg...

Attached Thumbnails

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# 21 06-10-2006 , 12:56 AM
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Originally posted by echo red
Ok. I found a couple of problems with my old pic.

1. I rendered with maya software, not mental ray.
2. I forgot to turn off light intensity

So, I guess its not exactly HDR, but looks nice.

Is this for your first pic?

If so its not HDR at all, as the image is just a reflection not a light source.

I dont know how your going about creating your lighting sphere but if your in version 6 or above, just go to mental ray then hit the image based lighting then create and add your file in there, and enable final gathering, its the easiest way to get IBL using HDR (theres loads of other options to play with, GI, Caustics etc).

Have a look at the screwdriver tutorial on highend 3d for a good start to understanding what to do with your images.

P.S - What do you use to get your spherical images that you use to create you HDR in HDR shop?

# 22 06-10-2006 , 07:51 PM
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Thanx for the info. I'm still workin on my HDR stuff now. Isn't caustics just 4 glass?

Oh yeah, I get my HDR spheres by just scavenging the net. They're hard to find, but they're there. I suggest making your own though, as its hard to find already made ones. Try looking at HDR shop, cuz the creator posts some of his for public use.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

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# 23 06-10-2006 , 07:52 PM
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Thanx for the info. I'm still workin on my HDR stuff now. Aren't caustics just 4 glass?

Oh yeah, I get my HDR spheres by just scavenging the net. They're hard to find, but they're there. I suggest making your own though, as its hard to find already made ones. Try looking at HDR shop, cuz the creator posts some of his for public use.

I think I might prefer to do light linking though...

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

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# 24 16-10-2006 , 07:48 AM
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Originally posted by echo red
Thanx for the info. I'm still workin on my HDR stuff now. Aren't caustics just 4 glass?

Oh yeah, I get my HDR spheres by just scavenging the net. They're hard to find, but they're there. I suggest making your own though, as its hard to find already made ones. Try looking at HDR shop, cuz the creator posts some of his for public use.

I think I might prefer to do light linking though...

You can use caustics for whatever you need to, to get the desired result. have a play with them to see the effects, you'll get some Ideas for using them.

Yeah i've got HDR shop and know how to use it, what I meant was how do you get your spherical images (do you use a Christmas decoration etc) Also do you make HDR images or go for LDR instead?

Just found that you can get some nice results using LDR images for reflections etc.


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# 25 16-10-2006 , 04:10 PM
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Well, you can buy a mirrored sphere from some hobby shop. Christmas ornaments work just as well. Even though, I don't make my own(though I should), I just search for HDRI and hope some images pop up. Really just a bit of trial and error.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

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