Ok, I got your PM. You explained that you wanted to boolean a cylinder to make a jack-hole for a plug on the front face. On your own, you discovered that this only works on my models and not yours. Here's why:
In the first image, we see the front face of your model. As you can see, the corner of the face is shaded black in one corner. This is do to one of two things: The normals are somehow messed up (normals have to do with how the model shades) or a vertice and/or edge is out of wack due to a modification on the geometry in the form of vertice pushing or similar action.
Basically in your case, you probably selected a vertice and accidentaly moved it somewhere it shouldn't be moved to and your face normals went wacky.
In the second image, I selected a face and yanked it out so I could see how you created a portion of your box. The red arrows point to extra faces that were created during your process of forming the object. I'm not entirely sure how these came to be, but I explained how to model it my way if you care to use my method next time around.
In the third image, we see extra edges, which instantly means there are extra vertices. In a previous post, I explained how to notice these extra vertices and edges and the way to delete them.
All three of these things contribute to your booleans not working. You must keep your geometry simple and know how your going to model your object before you model it sometimes.
Important: With almost every model, especialy inorganic models (models that are squarish), you should be able to select a face, move it out or in, and see the faces surrounding it move with it. This instantly tells you if the face you have selected is connected properly to the other faces. If the surrounding faces do not move with the face you are moving, they are not connected correct due to a modeling problem and should probably be fixed.
Feel free to PM me again or post another message if you need any more help. I live to serve.
Right at the last minute, I noticed something else. It hit me like a ton of bricks, too. This is your MAIN problem about why you can't boolean.
Look at the main front face of your model.I pulled it back just to see what exactly was hooked onto it and what wasn't. How many vertices make up that face? 15 - and they're all in different places. Your box-like item to the left is hooked onto the face, but no edges connect it to the outer rim so to speak.
It appears that you split the main face up as I explained earlier, then deleted the edges. Because of this, booleans will not work properly. Instead of deleting the edges, keep them. This ensures that all of your faces consist of 4 vertices each. I realize that a while back I told you to delete extra edges and vertices, but this case is a bit different since the box needs to be connected to the four outer edges of the front face. I'm sorry for confusing you at first. You were deleting extra faces like I told you to before, but this is a special case I guess you could say.
Hmm, I really thought I had done the above room correctly.
But when i applied a 'Lambert' to the walls and lit from above, then the 'walls' started showing those tell tale 'Shadows' that tell me that I messed it up again!....
Darkware, I really appreciate all the help, and wonder if I could ask a favor of you?......
Say I were to 'boolean>difference' a door-hole out of my wall, then please could you show me how you would go about extruding the door-frame (or window) out of the existing wall/faces - then maybe if I copy it, then I can see why mine keeps messing up.
(I suspect i'm grabbing unwanted edges/vertices) ......
I'm having loads of problems with my connection at the moment, I have been offline for 4 days (at home) so cannot post any pic's....Am hopefully getting an engineer out in next few days...
Thanks Scraggy
Last edited by Scraggy_Dogg; 25-08-2003 at 07:41 PM.
Darkware... I think I got it woked out where I'm going wrong, (No need for for you to do more work!) will post again soon Got to be brief, I'm scared conn will break (again) before message is sent...
Regards Scraggy
Ok Posted... now I can tell you, looks like i did a stupid mistake, made all the walls out of polys - split poly but for some wierd reason? (tiredness?)
I made the s******* door frame by extruding the faces??!?!?!!! Aggghhhh... oh yeah and to be double dumb - I went and did the window aswell...same way.
It's so hard to go and sleep when messing about in Maya-land tho innit? (Hmm maybe if I gave up work -?) I wish!
So looks like I better start again....Bigger and better! :o
Last edited by Scraggy_Dogg; 25-08-2003 at 08:39 PM.
Yup! I am almost ashamed of posting more on the same problem, but I really need to get this right...
Ok I started simple, made a room - made a hole for door and window and tried to use Split Poly ... Not Extrude face (Straight off)
The problem starts when I try to draw my 'edge' (split poly) It obscures the hole cut by the boolean...!
This is ok on the 1st split, but not for subsequent ones? so does this mean I :-
a./ (Haven't tried yet, but it may work?) - Put all the splits in 1st... then cut the 'Hole'
b./ This seems a bit intensive ... make the frame from new poly's?
So I didn't make another useless post I checked and deleting history does not make a diff, and tried with 1 cube (not my room)
Below :-
It might be easier to just make a frame to fit round the hole with a new primitive (by extruding the shape from a cube or booleaning another cube, not a big boolean fan myself as can they do really weird things, but a frame should be easy to make from scratch).
Extruding it all from one thing might make things a tad complex when it comes to uv mapping it all, plus if you have seperate bits and they go wrong it isn't such an issue.
Incidentally for extruding practice the tie fighter tut on this site is really rather good. First thing I ever made that wasn't a gun(nostalgia!) and it's very good with all this moving extruding lark.
EDIT: had another random thought which was that sometimes when you extrude or boolean things from a very large single face you get stretching and shadows because the geometry has to try and adjust itself over such a large area. You might try starting with a plane or splitting your cube a little more before booleaning it to avoid that.
OK Thanks Witchy, much appreciated, it's getting me down a bit now. I can't get anywhere on my project until I can make the basic 'Room Shape' .. Makes me wonder how everyone else would tackle the same 'room' because it must be one of the most repeated models out there, making a basic room I mean.
I will make frame from a separate cube as you suggested, but also will try to split Poly's, and move them to the outer sides of face, BEFORE I cut the Boolean Hole (As we both suggested)and see if it works.
I would really like to do the Tie-Fighter, but unfortunately will have to wait because I have just spent this months spare cash on Magazine subscriptions.
With this in mind, if there are any more tutorials you think would be good for a noob like me, please let me know and I will make a list for my C.D.
I started off getting 'Into' Maya by playing about with 'Kevin's' Simple-Man tutorial (Mine ended up being a sexy woman BTW) the one on Subdiv's, and since that's how I first learned how to extrude faces.
I think previous to now my problem is that I have been apply'ing that sort of modelling to poly's - with disasterous results as you have seen.
No problemo Darkware, I'm grateful of the time (A Lot!!) you have spent helping me. It's much appreciated .....
This site has made me feel really welcome Thanks to all
I have next 4 days off (apart from looking after my 10yr old daughter) so hopefully will get at least a basic room made up in that time.
Tonight I will try splitting poly's and Then Boolean>Difference, to see if it works, and if not will just go ahead and use a seperate Cube. So either way I can make my room now.
One thing I notice while building the rooms so far, is that I kept scaling them bigger and bigger to look correct/right/real? I have only just thought about scaling, have been doing all by eye so far, just guesstimating sizes etc
I'm wonering if I am doing this right or is there a way of altering the camera... Bit hard to explain but I mean like altering the camera lens?
I notice it could change once when I used the 'look thru selected' when placing a light....so are you meant to get the scene right by altering the 'lens of camera' ? or just keep scaling until it is right?
Regards Scraggy
Last edited by Scraggy_Dogg; 26-08-2003 at 12:49 PM.
You don't have to scale a room up to see things, you can just place cameras where you want them to either get a close up or overall shot. Thus you can make the room as big or as small as you want, or feel comfortable making.
Wireframe shaded so you can see the shapes I used. There are probably 100 ways to do this so don't take this as gospel, but I started by creating the basic shape from poly planes (walls and floor). I decided I wanted to render from just the one angle so I would not need more than the number of walls you can see (someone said don't build what you don't need and I find that a handy tip).
The back wall was a single plane, the walls on the right needed to be thicker so I extruded the plane out to the thickness I wanted. You can do the same with planes in nurbs and things it's just I rather like polys.
By having a few more faces that meant I didn't get any nasty stretching when I extracted faces or booleaned. It also made texturing easier. I cut the rabbit shape out (split poly tool then deleted faces) before making the wall thicker. I then extruded some faces in the 'cut' to give a ragged outline. To make the doorway I just put a door sized poly cube into the extruded wall and boolean differenced it. I then used the doorframe as a guide for making the door that had fallen off. I made the broken doorframe from seperate bits and pieces created from poly cubes.
In terms of size I don't like huge scenes as I find they drag a bit once everyhthing is in - this room is just a bit bigger than the default grid, although I initially made it a bit larger then resized it. For scale the important thing is that the items in the room are in scale in relation to each other - that's what makes it look 'real' in that sense. You don't have to make somehting 'life sized' to get an in scale effect.
The other two pics just show you can put cameras wherever you like to see things closer up, the arrows point to the bits of the scene that are being zoomed in on. I created those two cameras under the create menu, but you can just move the main camera around as you would normally if you want. I usually create a couple of different cameras for 'render' shots - you can then retain the angle for your favourite 'money' shot and put relationship things in, while using the main camera as you usually do. Creating cameras is just like creating everything else, once created move around and look through it to get the angle you want.
Hope that helps. I doubt this is the most efficient way to do any of this and it's by no means perfect, but it might help things along.
Thanks, for that Will work through it now my connection is sorted out (Hopefully!)
BTW I tried splitting the poly's first and then boolean, but problem was that once I had lined the splits/edges up to make the 'frame' of door/window - I went into 'select faces' but the parts i wanted to extrude were not selectable as faces...
So.... looks like creating the frame out of a separate poly is the only answer. AFAIK .....
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