if changing the magnitude per vertex dosn't work, wouldn't know how to do that part yet. I was thinking you could atach the fields to a duplicat Trex, that is hiden but has more of a even poly edge lingth all the way around.
had a talk with my dynamics teacher the other night, he told me that what I was trying to do would need an entire class devoted to it. he said he'd use a pointonsurface info node, and that's all he would tell me, and then I told him my idea, which he'd never thought of, but apparently you can't adjust it per vertex....
but I do belive !!!!!!!!!!!!! that you can select the vertices you want. Just select less of them around the dence parts of the wireframe. and atach the field to them. If you need I will look up whare I thought I saw that !
well, long time no update, but I've been sick. anyway, doing a Newton field from the object per vertex is the best result I've gotten so far, but it still doesn't do it exactly. I just wish my teacher would explain his pointonsurface node way...
Unless you are planning a super-close shot, no one will notice but doing things "right" always feels nice.
Originally posted by Bryce Sorry, but how to do rain anyway?! You can check out the VIP rain tut in the VIP section, OR, there is a PaintFX "rain" brush in Maya that works well I've heard too Also, a simple nurbs plane with a surface particle emitter inverted, with a particle hardware render type of points or streaks combined with an expression from here: https://forum.simplymaya.com/showthre...highlight=rain All of these will help you out i'm sure Good luck!