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# 1 14-09-2004 , 11:35 PM
IMG4's Avatar
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Posts: 43

boolean problem

i have a problem with boolean user added image

here's my problem:

i got a simple building with some windows
user added image

but when i try to make another boolean on the other side, maya fill the others...
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IMG4 :squareeye

# 2 14-09-2004 , 11:43 PM
NextDesign's Avatar
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not too sure what you mean.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 3 14-09-2004 , 11:50 PM
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Posts: 43
i just want to know why maya «erase» the other boolean when i create another one

# 4 15-09-2004 , 02:43 AM
mtmckinley's Avatar
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Maya's booleans are very finicky. Might try deleting the object's history. But it might just not work at all and it'll have to be done manually.

# 5 15-09-2004 , 01:50 PM
dirack's Avatar
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Try all the booleans first, (with only 2 objects), and if that doesn't work, (btw you can CTRL + Z all the time if it doesn't work), try changing the order of selection (make the other object green highlighted), and try again. Usually works. user added image

# 6 15-09-2004 , 10:16 PM
ckyuk's Avatar
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First off it looks like the edges are still there so check that when you did the last boolean operation maya didn't just create a face/s that is in the way and just looks like it's removed the other operations as maya can do this sometimes.

If not then it looks like it would be simple enough just to cut the widow shape with the split poly tool as it's only a square and then extrude it inwards.

# 7 18-09-2004 , 08:03 PM
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just extract the faces or walls of the building, and do the booleans, then combine it back into the object..

# 8 18-09-2004 , 08:16 PM
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I don't see a edge acrost the face being booleaned in to. That can always make for problems. My try that.

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