Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 16 09-09-2006 , 10:58 AM
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cheers jay user added image
Yeah I was unhappy with the bit around the edges of the mouth - thanks for pointing that out to add, it'll be in the next step

thanks arran, I've checked the nose refs and the outline is right so maybe it's a little bulbous or something - its a little tweaked but needs some more moving user added image

The basis of the beard and hair is now blocked in (even though it looks like a showercap at the mo) ready for a lot more shaping. The hair will probably be modelled like the bust but I'm not sure about the beard yet..

user added image

edit: and a quick side view:
user added image

Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
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Last edited by t1ck135; 09-09-2006 at 11:02 AM.
# 17 11-09-2006 , 07:42 PM
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well here's a reworking of the lines around the mouth. I'm a fair bit happier but under the nostrils is still a bit wierd.
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here's a shot with an ear that I effectively freeformed after getting the outline in the side profile. It was a really good experiment as it meant feeling my ear as I was modelling instead of looking at it or reference pics. It still needs some work such as being thickened out and being checked against reference shots etc but it'll do for now.
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Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
bFlocking - a tool for Maya 8.5+ to generate flocking and swarming behaviours
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# 18 12-09-2006 , 12:44 AM
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What can I say, but absolutely great going! I like it alot, take your time though, this is one of those occasions that I just like to sit back and let somebody do their thing because I know its going to go well

Keep it up


# 19 15-09-2006 , 11:51 AM
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I was a bit busy over the weekend so its back into it at now, thanks for the comments jay user added image

this hair thing is interesting as I'm not sure how to tackle it. I'm starting by taking the basic top of the head shape and then changing all the lines so that they flow with the hair in the sculpture. Not too sure how crazy it will get but I'll post some updates as it progresses. Maybe a bump map or something will sit on top of the basic flow?

How do you scult the hair jay? I get the impression from your female character that you pick out the characteristic bits and model them but then keep the rest simple?


Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
bFlocking - a tool for Maya 8.5+ to generate flocking and swarming behaviours
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# 20 15-09-2006 , 12:07 PM
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Hey Si

yeah hair is an absolute chicken mutha!

I try keep it as simple as possible.But there'll be a time when I'll have to bite the bullet. As I dont have Shave yet so I have to settle for the poly cap method for now with trans maps, though you could try and up the res and sculpt it on the head itself. If you can buy Z brush, do, it saved me a load of time painting the texture without seam issues. Again you could do it in that and render out the dis map after in MR.

The same for the beard.

TBH This looks pretty good to do at a glance, as long as you get those uvs spot on you wont havea problem. Also if you go down the fur route use a cap with good uvs, I dont think many people are aware of the uv factor for fur, it makes a big difference.

I recently did my first proper production hair using the fur module in maya. It was a flat top hair-do but I was still pleased with it. But again I still made a cap for easy editing and parented it to the rig in the neck. Also prior to that, I used paintfx with curves, again I was pleased with the result, but that was alot of set up time, more than fur. I nearly did that method for the girl, but I was thinking of render times, I have so much laying ahead of me for Outlaws I have to keep things down to a minimum so I can get it done.

Hope some of this helps

# 21 15-09-2006 , 12:35 PM
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What a fantastic idea for a project, the model is looking really impressive so far, can't wait to see it complete!

# 22 15-09-2006 , 07:26 PM
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coming along nicely and ya it is really close to the ref. picsuser added image

# 23 15-09-2006 , 08:32 PM
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Very nice progress t1ck135.user added image Are you going to texture?

# 24 16-09-2006 , 12:58 AM
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Jay - cheers for the advice. It would be really nice to have a go with ZB for something like this as it would save lots of extra lines and pushing and pulling those verts about. Its on the to-buy list user added image
I also like how you used transparency maps on your current model for where the hair joins the head, very nice to see.
Sculpting the hair is going to be the first try for this model and we'll see how it goes. A long winded way but fingers x'ed it comes out ok. I'd have had a go with Shave as it was great fun doing the Polar Bear fur in one of the other challenges but it expired a long time ago.
You got a screenshot of the flat top at all or is it under company wraps?

Foghorn - thanks, I just wish I'd taken loads more as there were plenty of statues and heads about in the museum in Napoli (Naples)

acid44 - thanks, it keeps getting tweaked about though while I work on the hair so it may change a little more user added image

THX1138 - yep its going to be textured, although I'm still toying about with doing a stone and a realistic one. Might be good to get me looking at sss and learning more about shaders for the latter option.

Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
bFlocking - a tool for Maya 8.5+ to generate flocking and swarming behaviours
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# 25 16-09-2006 , 01:42 AM
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Hey Si

NP. For the flat top hair-do go to the outlaws miscellaneous section on my site, its the ginger guy.


# 26 16-09-2006 , 01:59 AM
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hey man looking nice

only thing i see wrong is that there is a pinch running down his forehead along the mirror line (can see i in the last pic posted)

only small an relatively easy fix

good look an keep goin!!

Now at SMU doing BSc 3D Computer Animation so its hard to get on here
My wire render tut
# 27 16-09-2006 , 09:08 AM
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cool, I'm liking the character and hairdo jay!
very much like a brush top. It'd be fun to rig the hair somehow so it matches his expressions - down when he's down etc user added image

well spotted pbman, I've not been concentrating on the symmetry joins that much at the minute but it should be straightforward to tweak user added image

Here's a pic of the lines I'm building up for the basic geometry of the hair on the head. Lots of lines to add and then start rasing and lowering the various areas to get the effect.
user added image

And heres a quick smooth to see how it'll sit overall. The hair is still mirrored at the moment and will change:
user added image

Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
bFlocking - a tool for Maya 8.5+ to generate flocking and swarming behaviours
Jan/Feb Challenge 2007 Entry and W.I.P
May/Jun Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
Mar/Apr Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
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# 28 18-09-2006 , 12:13 AM
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slow going on the hair, still low res too user added image

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Examples of bTraffic - a traffic animation tool for Maya
bFlocking - a tool for Maya 8.5+ to generate flocking and swarming behaviours
Jan/Feb Challenge 2007 Entry and W.I.P
May/Jun Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
Mar/Apr Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
Jan/Feb Challenge 2006 Entry and W.I.P
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# 29 18-09-2006 , 01:55 PM
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Looking good man!

# 30 19-09-2006 , 06:37 PM
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nice development.

one thing i dont like is the sternal mastoid
and the adams apple region.
other than that alll look good.

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